February, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 49 The Year Past and the Year to Come We have had a prosperous year, thank you, and we look forward to a still more prosperous year to come. Business has been wonderfully fine on the Great Lakes, and on the Coasts as well. So, at the threshold of the new year, we extend to our ship chandlers and other dealers who handle our product for the marine trade our heartiest wishes for increased prosperity, and a hope for the continuation of pleasant and profitable relations. Our building program for this year has been completed. It will need only some additional warehouse space next year to double our previous capacity. The improvements mean even better quality and service. They include additional facilities at our Boston branch as well as at Port Huron. We are ambitious, but our business and the confidence you have placed in us warrant it. This expansion means better service to our customers. We will be able to get orders out on our old ‘‘same day” schedule, which means prompter deliveries to you, and hence to your customers. We have every confidence that the coming year will see more Preservoed canvas in use than ever before. Ship owners and ship builders are demanding it; ship chandlers and supply men are providing it; and we are supplying Preservo in ever greater quantities. All of which means bigger business and increased satisfaction for all concerned. Robeson Preservo Products Co. PORT HURON, MICH. Eastern Branch : Canadian Branch: 342 Western Ave., Boston, Mass. Sarnia, Ont. The Hunter-Johnson Co. 310 California Street San Francisco, Cal. Discs for Pacific Coast Please mention THE Martine ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers