February, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW Table II Merchant Tonnage Building Jan. 1, 1917 Atlantic Coast Ship Yards Baltimore Dry Docks & Shipbuilding Co., Baltimore Name or Yard No. Owner. Gross. Speed, Length, Breadth and Type tonnage. knots. Depth, feet. NG.C18.5. oe hoc xine peek Oil Transportation Co.. een os Ol carrier: « 23.250 10 293.0 x 47.0 x 28.0 NO 79 vices secs suc seeulk Oil Transportation Co.,........... Oil carrier.. 3,250 10 293.0 x 47.0 x 28.0 NO BOS ieeivcisc sce culk: Oil Transportation Co.. we ee Seige: Oil Cartier, > 3,200 10 293.0 x 47.0 x 28.0 NG. BL. iss ccvs<ceeeeeeay Bull. 53, Resin ees oe Uecaisinve ais A POIBAEE “pou 4100 11% 340.0 x 49.0 x 28.5 INO: 8266 case at caes Gustave Bulle vous ac oe ns oe ee bineee se DLCIGUD oui Aen 00 11% 340.0 x 49.0 x 28.5 NOs: BSS eins os oe a ae viet veis'es CRTCIRNE | oes 45150 11% 340.0 x 49.0 x 28.5 NO.:84si5 0. sa a ee aie ate a cmeeetios siativeeieta ss Freight .... 4,150 11% 340.0 x 49.0 x 28.5 Bath Iron oe) Bath, Me. 2 ee New. York™ Central: Railroad. ...2..5.072.. Car float... at eae 265.0 x 40.1 x 10.0 Eeabelees eA ae J. N. Wil lys eS ue RON Ore eee te hen he Yacht 3. 910 26 230.0 x 26.2 x 14.2 Bethlehem Steel Co., Sparrows Point, Md. ; Jas. McGee ....... standard: Oil.-Co. sas ss «close ene crt we Oil carrier.. 10,000 10% 500.0 x 68.0 x 30.5 W. Cy Teagles. cc. Statidards Oily Cove. csv We fee eee «ee» Qil carrier.. 10,000 10% 500.0 x 68.0 x 30.5 Ciubores saa Ore Steamship Corporation............. se MRCIGHE 7 cai “7850 10 450.0 x\57.0 x 37.0 REMOTE os as a Ore Steamship Corporation........ Bee icar Ereight 37505. 3.7.302 10 450.0 x 57.0 x 37.0 Bethore =< vice vs vce Ore Steamship Corporation. jade 5 cuss s eas PRCIBNE: Cyrcoss | O1914 10 500.0 x 66.0 x 42.0 No. 163 ....-....%5 Munson: Steamship. Cov...233e.c ws Breight 2... 53750 12 369.0 x 48.0 x 27.4 Beatrice ........ ore Ny er Nee le On gas he ice ee ae ie Preight- 4.4. 3,495 9 328.6 x 46.0 x 25.5 Santore at eate cueiaiwieks Ore Steamship Corporation. Bea ae Freight>) ..c< ©7;352 10 450.0 x 57.0 x 37.0 Firmore ...... -» Ore Steamship Corporation.............. Freight .... 7,352 10 450.0 x 57.0 x 37.0 NOP 167 ccc sie ee ME Miyelde op iics cee cs inact a wcbneustel -- Freight .... 5,440 10 377.0 x 52.0 x 29.5 INO: VOB! . sais Sieresae ma caer ar pO OS ars coceceecveee Hreight .... 4,100 9% 358.0 x 50.0 x 27.4 Nios P69 e ts cas NE Uaearersr cae oy al RI OO in en cB reight::) 3... 4,100 9% 358.0 x 50.0 x 27.4 NOS 17 Os. ccs ete Se ee ce sieurginis sis waite Poco e+e Freight .... 5,440 10 377.0 x 52.0 x 29.5 NOI. se Sols ce Becher Biel Coo ce MUG se end A ee ete 125.0 x 29.0.x 15.0 INO; S172 cen Seine es Standard’ Oil: Cox ec Beers - Oil carrier.. 8,400 10% 465.6 x 60.0 x 29.5 Chester Ship Building Co., Chester, Pa. INOS S40 ccc eros American Owners: 6334 ccs sieht eas MreihE SS. s 9,000 LOA Re ee Rae NOR SEL cslete scapes se MOLEIQN” ACCOUNT «500% oe eka ba Me. Oil carrier.. 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 No. 342.....00% ewes POLCIR “ACCOURE vais s sect cnc ws ueas ee». Oil carrier.. 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 No. 343..... peace s MOFCIEH: NCCOUME: Cou. s .eh-ceG Ges sche pees Oil carrier.. 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 No. 344. ....5.506 on RR OTOIRH; MCCOUME 66 iss any sicker op eens - Oil carrier.. 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 INO.2395 5 acvenicees 6 Foreign: Actount 20.3. cece cc Se fees cle Oil icarners. 55500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 No. 346...... ecw cee MOLGINM ACCOUNtsy aes. 6 6 Cocccevescooe Hreight ~.... 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 NO: 7347.5 occu ions, Shawmut Steamship -Cor couse anes ose PTCignt so 00 5,000 «7 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 NO: G48 era eecnen: Shawmut Steamship Co............... «+ Freight §.... 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 Nos on0 sees teenies Foreign: Accounto.. 6:50 sce ks ae Oil carrier.. 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 dnt 9 Beas by) Re ces a wos sMOreign ACCOUNT? .. v.00... SERCH SNORT SL” Breight: 2... 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 INO:28 526 ware ose Poreign; Account (0.23 j../set cs. kee ee Freight. . 7.7-75;500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 IND: 5 Sint caane ere Boreign: Account nue). Sit, ecg s Breight:.¢;.° 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 NO: 356... sce ees Boréigt: ACCOUDt vc. sc vce eo ck vececeee Freight .... 5,500 10% 401.0 x 54.0 x 36.8 Clinton Ship Building & Repair Co., oa is NOs tS dike hacen ee aes American Owners ........5. Deleweeee ee height. ne... 560 bey ane nw Sree tae! Fore River Ship Building Corporation, Oaee. Mass. ia Luckenbach... ete at Steamship Co.cc seco: ec .. Freight ,... 98,150 12 456.4 x 57.0 x 41.6 Mitiers” Bean, ort Cuba Wistaling Coro .5s ene ce ea oes Molasses ... 5,788 10% 406.0 x 54.5 x 32.5 Pennsylvania ...... Texas Steamship Co. fics vag owe Ses ive Oil carrier.. 6,678 11 431.9 x 56.0 x 32.8 Virginia: cc dss cee Texas’ Steamship Coz. fine ccsiere esas - Oil carrier.. 6,678 11 431.9 x 56.0 x 32.8 eniero Luis and eee Git tasteless Argentine Republic svc 0rs5 Sr ccks: ooce Oil carrier. << 3.400 TO ican ae anes > I. fuskeutack. . Luckenbach Steamship Che ees, voPreight. 225 318,150: 13 459.0 x 55.9 x 40.7 F. J. Luckenbach... Luckenbach Steamship Co............ eee relight << . ...-8,100 13 459.0 x 55.9 x 40.7 Katrina Luckenbach Luckenbach Steamship Co..... Seater . Freight .... 8,150 13 459.0 x 55.9 x 40.7 INO: 270 ae eens ee REARS Bp aReRs. © Freight .... °5,700 10% savere Mee eee Witen No. 270. 2 eg een ei cs ce Ge aes ... Freight 5,700, - 1034° ses arene ae Harlan & Hollingsworth Comeuan Wilmington, Del. j Brewster. Standard Oil Co. of N. J........ vie vests s~ Oil” Carrier... 5,614 10% 427.0 x 53.5 x 31.0 Rea ret ford. gen Standard Oil Co. of N. } Bee seca seadnus mea eo gis Oil carrier.. 5,614 10% 427.0 x 53.5 x 31.0 0. Te Waring: ...:: Standard “Oil=Co.- ot N, Jive ees Ge fea ee Oil carrier.. 5,614 10% 427.0 x 53.5 x 31.0 J. AagBostwick...... Standard Oi: Co. Of Nida s wee oan cet eee Oil carrier.. 8,490 10% 465.6 x 60.0 x 36.3 bee BRN oa ori WVactttm Onl Comet oboe wits one a ae Freight: 73 0s5: 22750 10 312.0 x 45.0 x 26.6 Hiram (Bi Rverest.. “MacuumiOi Com iaaaess Sia os Catania an oe Oil carrier.. 5,614 10% 427.0 x 53.5 x 31.0 Stony Point; a:-06 Wis OAS Mletcheri G0. esis wee soleus aor Ferry boat.. 1,404 Ae 210.0 x 66.2 x 17.5 ull 4508 oie Ocean ‘Steamsnip Cot ais casa oc creas a ees Pass. & Frt. 6,700 12% 435.0 x 53.0 x 35.0 1S 05) ee: SOW tists aaa Ocean Steamship Co;.....:...000. soveese Lass. & Frt.. 6,700 12% 435.0 x 53.0 x 35.0 Bali 2453 sere United Briait Co" on). ab ee, pies ek Breight.< 4.6.5 6.070 10 322.0 x 48.0 x 24.0 Hy 454 cece ees United (rait:Go.G ces sic ees aa Freight: (5.662 38,070 10 322.0 x 48.0 x 24.0 Ball 45525... Unitedviruit-C0is. o. ities te ee Freight <..<. 3,070 10 322.0 x 48.0 x 24.0 Be 456 a cee Uniteds Frit Cove... eras es Freight .... 3,070 10 322.0 x 48.0 x 24.0 Merrill-Stevens Co., Jacksonville, Fla. ING SRO ae ree we Gulf & Southern preneih Conroe ee Freight 2... 1,700 TO ee Ee Soe temeeae No: 908. Sy iia Cuba> Distilling: Co;. so wck is eis svete PROIQNE ocean. 250 ORME Ph I ar it INO: 92 hited pobre Boston: Molasses Cas. i. foes sce cee ees Molasses ... 300 Le tS ES Se Hp ear NOVO bacco pune s Guba< Distilling Cos. 3 i003. stir y cease oe oe Préight: 23... 250 Pe oie a ieew eon Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va. m atden. Standard Oil ‘Co... i. ecb ec ewes Pos cane Oil carrier.. 10,900 NUE Biss SAR A con phen . oC Pies a . Standard sil COs, sou Wann tale mae ee ae pees Oil carrier.. 10,900 NOU ae. see ae peas we Felix Taussig BRR Ree Crowell & Thurlow Steamship Cs... Freight .... 6,256 10 Waviw ca esa ecaaeesies ccc ee Munson Steamship Line..... pela eave sree Freight .... 4,600 NG a RR SE ae toate tee ere O. B. Jennings Standard: Oil Consus. ose spans pices ep Oil carrier.. 10,900 10% Re Ke eaeee eee TOrres 5sea we nac eee Southern: Pacitic’ Cor a swie ets one wees Oil -carriet, 35,025 a ee are sig wits le on El Almirante ...... Southern: Pacifie:(Co) ...ccc8) sts cee wate Freight .... 4,500 11 vals cade oso eee Bl Capitan <5 50%. swe Southern Pacific Co......2.... ABR -.- Freight .... 4,500 i eee mm CRS Con Rn $$$ nr evcceeee Atlantic Refining Co....... qneies seceeee Oil carrier.. 10,900 10% see ee eeeeeveeees If not launched give prob- able date. April, 17 Oe eee rene 57