THE MARINE REVIEW Whether it’s a Long Pullor a Strong Pull, Flory Ship Winches will furnish it at the touch of a lever. Built with cone or band fric- tion—throttle or link reverse. We also build steam or electric Capstans; Dock Hoists; Spud Engines; Derrick Hoists; Boom Swingers; Dredge Engines; Lighterage Engines; Pile Driving Engines, etc. If you desire efficient machinery and prompt service, let us know your requirements. Auto-Shine A Non-Explosive _ Non-Inflammable Metal Polish Absolutely free from acids, Naphtha or any injuri- ous substance. It is therefore highly recommended for use on Steamships, Yachts, Automobiles, in Hospitals, and Public Institutions. Will produce a. brilliant and lasting lustre on all kinds of Metal such as Brass, Copper, inc, Silver Nickel Plating, on stoves, or any metal where a high gloss polish is desired. eT a polish is non-explosive and non-inflammable. Put up in \, pint, 1 pint, 1 quart and 1 gallon cans. J.C. PAUL & CO., Mfrs. 130 North 5th St. CHICAGO, ILL. EASTERN REPRESENTATIVE: P. N. FrrepLanpDeEr, 337 Broadway, org New York Ciry BANGOR Svew york. =» FLORY MFG. CO. *renna. Blackmer pumps have been in use now over twelve years. Ask your competitor what he has to say about them. Capacities from 5 to 500 gallons. Wear automatically taken up. Guaranteed Latest , a : against catalogue i pressures. giving full fee. particulars is yours for the asking. Blackmer Rotary Pump Co. Petoskey, Mich. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers February, 1917