February, 1917 13,694 tons from Duluth bula in ‘July. D.. G. Kerr carried 13,521 tons from Duluth to Huron. The previous record was 13,333 tons carried by H. H. Rocers from Escanada_ to South Chicago. The steamer Cor. J. M. SCHOONMAKER set a new coal carrying record, taking a cargo of 14,474 tons from Ashtabula to Duluth. This tonnage is exclusive of the fuel carried. WuILLIAM P. Snyper had held the record with 13,- 847 net tons. The steamer W. Grant Morven, which broke both the wheat and oats carrying records in 1915, bet- tered her previous performance by car- rying 491,000 bushels of wheat out of Fort William on July 16, bound for Port McNicoll. In 1915 her best record was made when she carried 476,315 bushels of wheat on one trip. The best records set at the Duluth, Missabe & Northern railroad dock at Duluth in 1916 were as follows: The to Ashta- Furnace Shipments ORE FORWARDED TO FURNACES FROM LAKE ERIE DOCKS, MAY 1-DEC. 1. Gross Tons 35,747,800 33,421,251 23,011,274 Gross Tons 44,982,917 » + 635,149,412 1914.....22,914,887 Year 1913 1911 company’s coal dock unloaded 12,558 tons of coal from the steamer D. G. Kerr in 17 hours, or at the rate of 246.2 tons per hour; the steamer P. A. B. WweENER was loaded with 11,379 tons of iron ore (bill of lading weight) 1 hour, 30 minutes, or at the rate of 7,586 tons per hour. Lake Erie Ore Receipts Receipts of ore at Lake Erie ports during December were 1,429,630 gross tons. The following table shows amounts received at the different ports: BAO 5S. erate ie eet ata 202,676 | Ee gh naught Yo AAR FD MPN OE GME Ve ne OR Poe, 117,634 CONMEAIE 2on5 fais e cies ors ore 2 eins 361,076 Ashtab lasso isons so sivas ctese 268,240 Pia iP DOLE <6 -c.e10 5 eerie e este elecanaeere ers 42,079 Cleveland 23. ere ce ee oe 206,662 UERopae-hb all pune See reir a ecu ni TP 127,048 de Git oy 0a EARARE ep eke oda Pree 23,003 TE QIOGO RG ops cars ekeie alata ai Goatare ites 52,321 ABTS inert necrotic damn Gupte ok SS 28,891 TOCA Gh case aisle eras hee 1,429,630 The entire cargo of the Swedish steamer THORNE, consisting of 5,873 tons of iron ore, was discharged at the piers of the Philadelphia & Reading railway, Philadelphia, recently, in the record time of 13 working hours. In that time the cargo was not only discharged but was also placed in cars and weighed. The schooner Emma Harvey, which was found floating bottom up off Santa Rosa Island, 12 miles from Pensacola, has been towed to Biloxi and is being - repaired. THE MARINE REVIEW Iron Ore Traffie on IRON ORE SHIPMENTS FROM UPPER LAKE PORTS, GROSS TONS 1916. 1915. Exscatiaba: i344... 7,457,444 5,649,289 Marquette ...... 3,858,092 3,099,589 Ashland 260.405 8,057,814 5,146,772 Superior 0 sc55 5. 12,787,046 8,342,793 Duluth 05 oxen 21,837,949 15,437,419 Two Harbors 10, 735, 853 8, 642, 942 DOtales ee ae eee 64,734,198 46, 318,804 IRON ORE RECEIPTS AT LAKE ERIE - 1916. 1915. Detroite:3 600 Feu) 425,579 459,877 Toledo. vie. tas 2,035,160 1,158,374 BATON sic acts s 1,324,112 695,865 DONGit ne... merce cs 4,613,929 3,517,258 Cleveland. 3. sas 10,669,745 7,504,697 Fairport ois oe. 2,580,647 2,001,103 Ashtabula ...... 11, 474, 268 7,813,101 Conneaut: onsen 9,588,341 8,573,509 Brier Gs. .aie rare 1,525,031 707,875 Buffalone oak eocas he 432, 220 5,339, 724 Port Colborne 138; 240 196, 077 Ota ats 51,807,272 37,967,460 75 Great Lakes in 1916 1914. 1913. 1912. 1911. 3,664,451 5,399,444 5,234,655 4,278,445 1,755,726 3,137,617 3,296,761 2,200,380 3,363,419 4,338,230 4,797,101 2,429,290 11,309,748 13,788,343 14,240,714 9,920,490 6,318,291 12,331,126 10,495,577 6,934,269 : 5,610,262 10,075,718 9,370,969 6,367,537 2 32,021,897 49,070,478 47,435,777 32,130,411 PORTS, GROSS TONS | i 1914. 1913. 1912. 1911. 332,564 363,001. 418,057. +—-243,392 | 773,711 1,084,215 1,411,278 493,345 617,363 687,485 540,586 223,947 1,677,988 3,709,213 3,771,350 2,937,605 , 5,519,698 8,812,583 7,914,836 4,584,211 , 1,558,134 2,037,126 1,801,381 666,365 | 5,318,788 8,336,126 8,158,080 6,359,131 6,263,480 7,849,303 7,839,831 6,931,278 260,991 713,904 ‘547,067 289,400 2,913,273 5,506,691 5,060,642 2,802,976 166,668. >. feces Oe ag Coe tae 25,402,655 39,099,647 37,472,108 25,531,550 IRON ORE RECEIPTS AT LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS, GROSS TONS | 1916. 1915. South Chicago, Ill. 7,740,877 4,195,976 East Jordan, Mich. 38,573 37,658° Boyne City, Mich. 43,788 40,401 Elk: Rapids, Mich ).: ooVai cso: ae ae Milwaukee ....... 239,219 187,286 Indiana Har., Ind. 793,215 689,226 Gary inde occas 2,718,185 4 421,924 Bota icsv. osteo 11,573,857 7, 572,471 IRON ORE ON LAKE ERIE 1916. 1915. Toledo) 34). . 20% 3% 394,869 311,799 MANAUS elie aa scot ehe Calee 1,871 Burton waren 590,743 558,692 Loraine. tee 1,076,105 824,988 Cleveland ...... 1,936,906 1,795,962 Malrport: ose sca. 474,930 413,994 Ashtabula ....... 3,266,572 2,870,204 Conneaut ....... 1,363,550 1,216,686 Brie ec eas 25,193 589,355 Baltaloy ecnet 5 438,712 ae 806 Total xcs ees 10,167,760 3 910,351 Average Stay in Port VESSELS OF PITTSBURGH STEAMSHIP CO. 1916 hrs. min. Aver. stay lower lake ports 20 30 Aver. stay upper lake ports 9 4 Aver. time in port receiy- ing and discharging car- Aver. cargo carried Largest cargo carried Fastest loading record Rate of fastest loading record per hour Gross Gross Year Tons Year Tons TOLG. he Sess 7,080 L906 Soi ecaees 6,973 IRS Eos ARB ti ee 6,841 L905 Sicaeon ioe 6,101 1OTA Seas 6,523 1904 Ss 5,272 VOAS atari 6,411 T9038) occa oi 5,668 TOT2 kes 6,244 1902. ett 4,899 VOM: econ cs 5,716 FOOT. Nat Gee 4,459 TODO tse sey 5,593 WOOO. ce ves 3,783 M909 ce tare 7,777 1899 sees. , 3,803 190863 Gaay 8,325 TB9G se Pails. 3,547 1907 Sie 7,516 TROT occ 5556 D. M. & N. docks only up to 1910. All docks 1910-1916. tte EEEE EER EE EERE ema naa 1915 hrs. min. 1914. 1913. 1912. L9aT: 3,060,587 5,572,866 5,480,105 3,685,100 . 38,158 28,444 42,878 36,232 50,098 45,028 45,000 33,000 28,437 ini ie 47,947 26,814 : 93,121 234, 591 138, 065 109,255 661,054 455,252 514, 748 365,312 . 1,631,564 2,365,551 *2, 088,327 1,302,745 y 6,109,019 8,701,732 8,357,070 5,558,458 DOCKS DEC. 1, GROSS TONS 1914. 1913. 1912, 19dT, 580,600 349,047 552,016 661,382 2,4 2,472 2,472 2,471 433,769 441,541 385,810 344,371 c 548,097 694,704 904,343 652,526 : 1,757,543 1,930,720 1,888,560 1,589,491 06,124 78,014 65,920 636,566 2,749,315 3,202,807 3,350,553 3,295,862 1,160,639 1,248,032 1,429,533 1,237,573 484,467 594,613 661,330 636,274 234, 3880 319,726 340,261 413,353 8,407,905 9,261,676 10,080,798 9,469,869 1906 hrs. min. 36 15 22-25 1914 1913 1912 hrs. min. hrs. min. hrs, min. 17 .18 ee) 20 9 Clase I, 1151 26 30 32 «(0 58 38 Gross Gross tons. tons. ; 73502 6,796 i 12,222 13,007 10,613 10,325 9,277 in 1 hr. in 2 hr. 30 min. 35 min. 7,075 4,136 Buffalo Grain Receipts 1916 6,957,432 1915 Flour, bbls. 8,429,126 eeene OBE IOR TE SS Se PEAT TA MRA RE ESTE a Wheat, bu. ..... 138,668,781 166,670,198 Corn; bul Sica: 17, 281,413 Qats, “bus es se 22,036,301 10, 969, 616 Barley, bu. <.0.:<2 11,709,053 13, 512, 782 1,477,346 3, ee ;863 er ee SEN Ae esis OE Total, bu. .... 177,418,688 212,221,872 Fl. to wheat, bu. 34, 787, 160 42, 145, 630 Flaxseed, bu. ... 9,564,147 4, 036, 581 SSS Si dis EES oes Grand total, bu. 221,769,995 258,404,083