64 THE MARINE REVIEW ey VELA WAA AAA AAA BVVWASS SUS SWSBSWp, , A= g A { a 7 }Proctors | ¥ ea Sl 4 Cidmiralty | § Adil Ity | gi _ y OQ ~ yf rrr esSSSSSSSS GF SAeRN ee a March, 1917 This directory is maintained for the benefit of vessel owners and operators who occasionally require the counsel and service of experienced Admiralty Proctors. Albert B. Davidson Roberts P. Hudson DAVIDSON & HUDSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW Proctors in Admiralty Sault Ste. Marie - - - - Michigan ALBERT J. GILCHRIST PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND, O. - GOULDER, WHITE AND GARRY LAW OFFICES Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND, O. HARTSHORNE, INSLEY & LEAKE COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW 239 Washington St., JERSEY CITY, N. J. S. H. HOLDING, F.S. MASTEN, T. H. DUNCAN and F. L. LECKIE HOLDING, MASTEN, DUNCAN & LECKIE ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY 840-848 Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND, O. Presenting your professional card to several thousand vessel owners in a vessel owners’ paper is strictly ethical the same as presenting one card to one vessel owner in his own office. 7 619 HOYT, DUSTIN, KELLEY, McKEEHAN & ANDREWS, _ LAWYERS AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY Offices, 702 Western Reserve Bldg., CLEVELAND, O. C. E. KREMER, COUNSELOR AT LAW AND PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY Suite 1012-1016 Insurance Exchange Building CHICAGO, ILL. Spencer & Spencer ATTORNEYS AT LAW PROC TORS IN ADMIRALTY Alworth Building, Duluth, Minn. STOVER & STOVER ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY JAMES H. STOVER PAUL STOVER Wells Building, JOHN S. STOVER DANIEL G. STOVER MILWAUKEE HARNEY B. STOVER WARREN, CADY, LADD & HILL ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY Charles B. Warren William B. Cady Sanford W. Ladd Joseph G. Hamblen, Jr. Sherwin A. Hill Claudius B. Grant, Counsel Union Trust Building, Detroit Do you handle Admiralty cases? Yes? Why not do a little talking — you can handle more? You havea vast field of prospects, BUT, what are you doing to introduce yourself to them? 618 ATELY SIRES ERIE IA SEES A. A TRS NNR ER LET A NEN OTT TS ME ASHEN IDS PAR SAE AE Please mention THE Marine Review when {writing to Advertisers