March, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 69 Lift a Panel and Fix Your Stay Bolts A Boiler Covering in Panels—Removable in Units Simply lift each section on its hinge and the Stay bolts are in instant view. To see the entire section merely remove a single strap. | Carey Covering in Panels is strictly new—adaptable to every size and type of marine boiler. The Carey Company, Cleveland Gentlemen: We are very much pleased with the great convenience and timesaving features of your Marine Sectional Boiler Covering. We find that this sectional plan of Boiler Covering is the most practical way of enab- ling us to make instant inspection whenever desired. Yours very truly, GEORGE F. LYNN, Chief Engineer Great Lakes Steamship Co. THE CAREY COMPANY CLEVELAND, O. - : SEND FOR Marine Department Patent Pending FOLDER AND PRICES FIRE TUBE MARINE SUPERHEATER EIGHT REASONS WHY Tri ATA ROASHANEEGE eaarersancoenonett 1. It is adaptable to either new or 5. It results in a saving of fuel over existing boilers of the fire tube type and can be applied with no change in design or construction. 2. It renders possible an increase in output of boiler horse power from ‘a given boiler plant, 10% to 20%. 3. It will produce the same power output with fewer boilers. 4, It reduces the size of the bunkers, thereby reducing the draft of the vessel with a given cargo or making possible an increase in revenue Cargo. L saturated plants, both operating under the same draft conditions, of 10% to 20%. 6. It reduces the maintenance costs by the prevention of water hammer, leaky flanges and con- densation in the cylinders. 7. It does not prevent rapid, thorough and frequent cleaning of the tubes. 8. Its construction provides easy access to all screwed joints and the easy removal ofthe parts. LOCOMOTIVE SUPERHEATER COMPANY 30 Church Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. Peoples Gas Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. Fore River Ship Building Corporation QUINCY, MASS. SHIPBUILDERS and ENGINEERS THE CHASE MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS Mooring Machines, Deck Winches, Steam Capstans, Etc., Etc. Cleveland, Ohio Machinists Galvanizers Yarrow Watertube Boilers Brass Founders Curtis Marine Turbines Address 2313 Elm St. N. W. Please mention THE MaRINE Review when writing to Advertisers