March, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 83 en en A RR RN A RS nn a A RE DERRICKS| for sand and gravel boats and for general Marine Purposes in handling materials. by means of clamshells, grapples, chains, or otherwise. : Sand Boat “CANISTIO” We have fitted most of the large Eli Jacques, & Sons, Detroit Cadwell Transit Co., Detroit SAND and GRAVEL BOATS built in recent years on the Great Lakes with DERRICKS, HOISTS, SWINGING ENGINES, deck fittings and other equipment. We design each derrick for the work to be done and for the particular boat or scow on which it is to be used. The details of construction have been evolved asa result of long experience and represent the Sand Boat ‘SHARSON” most up-to-date practice in the mat- ter of strength and liberal wearing surfaces. The following are a few of the Companies that are using our equipment. England Towing Co. ; Duluth, Minn. Cadwell Transit Co. . . Detroit, Mich. Nicholson Transit Co. . Detroit, Mich. Eli Jacques & Sons. . Detroit, Mich. Lake Superior Towing Co., Bayfield, Wis. and others. Write us for further information SUPERIOR IRON WORKS COMPANY Derrick Boat “BADGER” Sand Boat ‘‘C. W. CADWELL” Lake Superior Towing Co., Bayfield, Wis. SUPERIOR - WISCONSIN Cadwell Transit Co., Detroit PINTSCH GAS LIGHTED BUOYS Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Lighthouse Departments for Channel and Harbor Lighting. | Over 2,200 Buoys and Gas Beacons in service. Burn Continuously From Eighty to Three Hundred and Sixty- five Days and Can be Seen a Distance of Six Miles Controlled by SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING CO. 2 RECTOR STREET, NEW YORK Chicago Philadelphia St. Louis San Francisco, Cal. Boston Montreal Durable Wire Rope Co. 93-95 Pearl St., Boston, Mass. Durable Wire Rope will Not Rust or Rot and is not affected by Salt Water or Climatic Conditions FOR Mooring Lines Towing Hawsers Stevedoring Tiller Ropes Ship Rigging Dredging Boat Falls Yacht Rigging Hoisting Coal Pockets Pile Driving Fasts BRANCH OFFICES 165 W. Lake St., Chicago, Til. 701 St. Clair Ave. N. E., Cleveland, O. NEW YORK AGENTS: HEGEMAN & WARD, 43 SOUTH STREET Please mention THE Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers