April, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW SERVICE FIRST By portable welding plants that can be operated from the ship s own Light Generators, thus effecting a great saving of cost to ships so equipped. SECOND By Portable Motor Generators, Operated from Alter- nating Current on docks, etc., where direct current is not available, also effecting economy in cost of jobs. By our Self-contained fully equipped Electric Welding and Compressed Air Plants, on powerful Motor Trucks, capable of any service, anywhere, at any time, day or night. FOURTH The most skillful and experienced workmen under the personal supervision of capable Welding Engineers, who inspect and lay out all work. THE OHIO WELDING COMPANY will make re- pairs on Boilers, Decks or Iron Castings in the most scientific and economical manner at the lowest possible cost. No job is too large and none too small to receive careful and prompt attention. The Company's motto is WELL-DON. THE OHIO WELDING CO. 280 Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND, @ Bell, Main 4028 - PHONES -~— Cuy., Central 8738 L