May, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW : | 21 For a score of years leading shipbuilders have continually used G-E Equipment and repeatedly ordered more Inevitably—you will electrify OONER OR LATER the advantages of G-E MOTOR DRIVE. are going to become so apparent, that you will ask our Engineering Organization to study the conditions and require- ments of your plant — just as the owners of the equipment here illustrated asked us to do. For of course you want to know how you can cut the costs of production—how you can save on your POWER costs— how you can increase the QUALITY of your output, and how you can increase its QUANTITY. In every field of activity where power is used, transmitted or generated, the trademark of G-E Initiative and Quality is found: In power stations of far-off mountains you will find G-E apparatus built to meet the special need. You will find the “G-E” trade-mark on the electrical equipment of the Panama Canal and on the locomotives which tow the ships through. The electrification of the railways which carry the commerce of the nation east and west across the Rockies is a tribute to G-E engineering skill. Manufacturing plants, | \ large and small, in all sections of the country, enjoy marked. advantages in production over their competitors because | the General Electric Company has solved their power prob- | lems. All that has been learned in each individual field of | electrical endeavor is transmitted through the great Research > Laboratories of the company to its engineers in all depart- ments, so that in the solving of your problems you may have the benefit of all the knowledge and experience that has gone before. eee And because the General Electric Company possesses spe- | cific, definite knowledge of all the intricacies, puzzles and ' problems of industrial power, and applies to their solution the knowledge which no other organization can boast, G-E service is the greatest guarantee of results that you can \ possibly have. The organization and resources of the Gen- eral Electric Company stand squarely behind every G-E , MOTOR DRIVE to insure satisfactory operation. € : 0 I D f , s 2 are si General Office, Schenectady N.Y. biG Sales Offices in all large cities Ee, 6819 sient Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers