THE MARINE REVIEW June, 1917 HINULULVUOUAUUUGOUOOU0000 00000 AEAVN AEA Milwaukee Dry Dock Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin Ship Repairs of All Kinds IGE AEE AERA ITIL AE A LN ERIE OEE EEE ARE RL TRAE ASE ENTER TAT AERIS RT EE EI ALSO MACHINE SHOP FOR ENGINE REPAIRS — ox A WE A We have two shipyards offering i i every facility for the repair of both Hm steel and wooden vessels. South B Yard Dock is 450 feet long on keel ™ blocks; 460 feet over all; 60 feet width of gate and 16 feet over sill. West Yard Dock is 312 feet on keel blocks; 45 feet width of gate Mm and 12 feet over sill. Rudder pit | in each dock. Electric light for night work. 7% 4 4 ee < . : : ee Rebuilding Steamer ‘THOMAS DAVIDSON” Residence Phone Main Office at South Yard Telephone—Hanover 3 FW. Smith, Manager aot Lake 467 Foot of Washington Street West Yard—Hanover 2555 FOQTONNUUOOUOUUOUOUOUUUOOOGOOGGOGOOOOOOOOONONOOOONORON}TOEOUOOUOOGOOOGGGOOOGONOOOQONOGGONOOOOOOOOOOGEEEEEEEOEEEOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOUOEOEEAUAUUU T= STTUUUUNAUUUUUVVUUNNNOQUUUUONOGSNGQ00UOUONNENOOQ000UUUOOHVAGSSOUOUUONVOOOGQQOUUUOOOOOSGOQOQOOUUOOOEOOGOOOOUIIT MODERN MARINE BOILERS and STEEL SHIP BUILDING a Ss fe. Our Methods will save yo excessive Dry Dock Charges! We can handle anything that floats up to a 200- foot length, 40-foot beam, 12-foot draft. Our 500 feet of MARINE RAILWAY and acreage of property give us an immense advan- tage over other dry docks. We can haul out De ek Gh ax sinh valioked sumber TUGS, PASSENGER STEAMERS We specialize in the repairing of Hulls, Boilers and and SPECIAL CONST RUCTION Engines. All work thoroughly guaranteed. ee “ oe Sr TEM sn a WRITE Captain N. Simonson, Pres. T. R. Zickes, Mer. The Rocky River Dry Dock Co. JOHNSTON BROTHERS ROCKY RIVER, OHIO FERRYSBURG, MICHIGAN Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers