June, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 15 Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. HOBOKEN, N. J. NINE DRY DOCKS General Repairs on Wooden and Iron Vessels FT. OF 17th STREET Telephone 700 Hoboken | HOBOKEN, N. J. ~ Bie eae rage gi ete ar caters ea acabe oe = IIMA - Duluth Iron es ee : Woovleu i _ = || Globe Shipbuilding | — nog Company E = Duluth, Minn. a = : St 2 = Superior, Wisconsin = : Engineers, : = | aie = : Founders and if Builders of E : Manufacturers L All Types = ; oo of Vessels eS 5 Special Standard 18 and / = ae = Z 20 Inch Triple Expansion = = = : : ; ___|| Repairing a Specialty | . : Marine Engines 8| why] a omniee i000 Please mention THE MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers