especially to the high quality material UUM 20 THE MARINE REVIEW June, 1m LUNKENHEIMER >a dagmed | —maintaining their high quality. succeeding heats is positively assured heimer Regrinding Valves give is not by careful tests of the virgin metals, alone due to the practical design and expert mixing and constant checking by high grade work’manship, but more : our laboratory division. The denelent service which Lunken- It is the care exercised in selecting materials and in manufacturing that maintains the “high quality” of the valve This high quality material,—Lunken- THE | U N KE H a M CO end : : « 95 ae Says ; guarantees to the user that service heimer “Valve-bronze’”’, is the result of semmms N | E R eee which only Lunkenheimer Valves give. used. 3-12-68 scientific study combined with actual. —"* QUALITY "=— : working tests. Its composition, varying You have tried the rest—now for the different parts so that each part i prema e apuractireres” buy the best. ; ; ‘ § # igh Grade gineering Specialties : : will give maximum service, insures long in the World. Your local dealer can supply you; if life to the valve. It combines great ie strength with excellent wear-resisting New York Chicago CINCINNATI Boston © London 2° Write us. qualities. And the uniformity of the Write for Booklet No. 517-FH. QUA 220A You cannot get less than good service out of © WHITLOCK MANILA ROPE —nothing but good hemp, along with careful work- , manship, goes into its making. “The Rope That Endures”’ We guarantee this rope to be all-manila, of uniformly high grade, with no ‘mixtures’ and no “‘loading’’ or excess lubrication. ( Manila possesses, in the highest degree, safety, strength and wearing “=~ quality,— essentials in any rope so extensively used for marine purposes. MMMM Write” for full particulars and interesting printed matter. WAITLOCK CORDAGE COMPANY Department B 46 South Street, New York SM Please mention THE Marine. Review when writing to Advertisers Sr HUUMUULUUALUTULUULUGL0A UAE