aN Ite] “WEW” VaLves are especially made for Marine Service, and are thoroughly guaranteed in every respect Cross Valves _ Snifting Valves Relief Valves Throttle Valves Gate Valves Check Valves Oil Cups Grease Cups Lubricators Try Cocks Water Gauges Steam Gauges and Steam Cocks We carry a full line of Bronze.and Iron Body Valves in stock. Send at once for our catalog which shows the most important and most used types of valves. If the valve you require is not shown, remember we make it. The “WEW?” is the heaviest and best valve made Write us WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS l 62 Front St. NEW YORK e= Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers THE MARINE REVIEW June, 1948 BSS SSS SS SS SSS] SSS Sq]