June, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 81 RUN A WIRE—Instead of a Steam Pipe! and use an - ELECTRIC WINCH for anchor hoist, mooring lines, etc. Wires will run where pipes won't. They don’t leak. This winch is driven by a reversible electric motor, operating through worm-gearing, enclosed in oil tight casing. A hand gear is provided for emergency use. We also build a very compact spur geared winch. Circular F. Y. 23 tells more about these winches. Designed and Built by SUPERIOR IRON WORKS CO. *’*yis°™ P.S. Let us tell you about that new electric telemeter for steering engine control. AMERICAN LINE The Only Trans-Atlantic Passenger Steamers Under the American Flag FAST EXPRESS SERVICE SS in, BUFFALO , NEW YORK Pr ee 2 : LIVERPOOL FARE $33° DAILY BETWEEN “St. Louis’’ ‘St. Paul’’ ‘“‘New York’”’ ‘‘Philadelphia’’ ‘““Finland’’ ‘*Kroonland’’ —_ bad —a-- The Great Ship “SEEANDBEE” The largest and most costly steamer on any inland water of the world, Sleeping accommodations for 1500 passengers, “CITY OF ERIE” “CITY OF BUFFALO” 3 Magnificent Steamers——— DAILY BETWEEN— | CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO MAY list TO NOV. 15th. Leaves Cleveland - 8:00 P.M. Leaves Buffalo = 8:00 P: M. Arrive Buffalo - 6:30 A.M. Arrive Cleveland - 6:30 A. M. . Central Standard Time) Connections at Buffalo for Niagara Falls and all Eastern and Canadian pointsand at Cleveland for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay Toledo, Detroit and all points West and Southwest. Railroad tickets reading between Cleveland and Buffalo are good for transportation on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. & B, Line, New Tourist Automobile Rate—$5.00 Round Trip, with 2 days return limit, for cars not exceeding 127 in. wheelbase. } 3 y | | {4 ) E ddA Th, 9 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Pier 62, North River, Foot of West 23rd St., Beautifully colored sectional puzzle chart of The Great PEA LEP TL he"TA NEAL PTE I Ship ‘‘SEEANDBEBE”’ s: nt ipt of fi ts, Al New York sakfor our 24-page pistarual fod ‘caeintive booklet Rene. 1319 Walnut St., Philadelphia Northwest Corner 11th and THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO. E Locust Sts., St. Louis India Bldg., 84 State St., Boston — 121 South Third St., Minneapolis 1306 F St., N. W., Washington 319 scery St., San Francisco i ; 1 619 Second Ave., Seattle 219 St. Charles St., New Orleans 49 Ring Gt Bat, Toronte 14 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 118 Notre Dame St., Montreal LOE PTI Es Te BETES. Cleveland, Ohio ASRS TSS SE ) STEAM STEERING ENGINES CAPSTANS WINDLASSES MOORING HOISTS DRILL HOISTS SPUD HOISTS, ETC. Write for new catalog; just out. STANDARD the World over ee ae a <6 And used exclusively i in U.S. navy for over 40 years. Magnets Ask your Dealer for sais van tka“ Retchie® for adjusting purp DAKE ENGINE CO. Grand Haven, Mich. New York Agent: Charles H. Hughes, Lord’s Court Bldg., 27 William St. E. S. RITCHIE & SONS Cabot iret: 1 OR BROOKLINE, MASS., U.S. A. Detroit Agent: Derrick Supply Co., SS — 1070 Penobscot Bldg. Please mention THE MaRINE Review when writing to Advertisers