July, 1917 WONDER Pipe Bender Bends 2" pipe, cold, to 90 degrees in | minute. Bends hAorizontally—takes any length pipe. Bends steel, iron, brass or copper pipe—without heating, treating, filling, cracking or crimping. Makes a cheaper, quicker and better job than elbow joints. Used by the United States Government and many of the largest firms in the United States. Three sizes: 1%" to |"—%" to 2”—24’ to34". Write today for complete catalog and list of prominent users. AMERICAN PIPE BENDING MACHINE COMPANY 37 Pearl St. Boston, Mass. 102 Special Lumber Service for Shipbuilders Pacific Coast Douglas Fir Any Size Timbers for Planking, Keelsons, Decking Scaffold Lumber for Shipyards Port Orford Cedar Battens Spars: Rough or Finished Saari-Tully Lumber Co. Northwestern Bank Building PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO WIRE INQUIRIES THE MARINE REVIEW A 4,900 H. P. De Laval Reduction Gear The total horse power of De Laval marine gears built, building or under contract is 500,000 hp. including 150,000 hp. of De Laval Geared Marine Turbines. The rapid adoption of this equipment is due first of all to the intrinsic advantages of geared-steam-turbine drive in the way of SMALL space and weight requirements; HIGH efficiency and low cost for supplies, and GREAT simplicity and reliability. The success of De Laval Geared Turbines particularly, is due to our long experience in building both gears and turbines and the skill and facilities which we have accu- mulated for their proper design and manufacture. Our experience has amply demonstrated that the satisfactory operation of gears depends upon correct proportioning and design for the load to be carried and highly devel- oped, accurate methods of gear cutting, and manufac- turing, together with the use of suitable materials. We should be glad to discuss the details of marine drive with anyone interested. State size, speed and character of proposed boat and steam pressure to be used. DE LAVAL Reg. U. S. Pat. Office STEAM TURBINE CO. TRENTON - - NEW JERSEY 260 Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers 21 Te MEP NST | TSSOP UR on eee this