July, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW eee ee nv Ww ye ” el => STAND BEHIND THE MEN BEHIND THE GUNS Buy A LIBERTY LOAN BOND HELP WIN THE WAR INTEREST 312% Issued by the United States Government Denominations—$50, $100, $500, $1000, $5000, — $10,000, $50,000, $100,000 First payment as low as One Dollar. You have until August 30, 1917 to pay in full for your bonds. Ask any Banker, Postmaster, Express Company or Merchant for an Omeial Application Blank and Apply For Your Liberty Loan Bond Today A Tribute to the Flag and The Safest Investment in the World “Wars cannot be conducted without money. It is the first thing to be provided. In this war it is the most immediate help—the most effective help that we can give. We must not be content with a subscription of two billion dollars—we must oversubscribe this loan as an indication that America is stirred to the depths and aroused to the summit of her great- ness in the cause of freedom. Let us not endanger success by complacent optimism. Let us not satisfy ourselves with the reflection that some one else will subscribe the required amount. Let every man and woman in the land make it his or her business to subscribe to the Liberty Loan im- mediately, and if they cannot subscribe themselves, let them induce some- body else to subscribe. Provide the Government with the funds indis- pensably needed for the conduct of the war and give notice to the enemies of the United States that we have billions to sacrifice in the cause of Liberty. Buy a Liberty Bond today; do not put it off until tomorrow. Every dollar provided quickly and expended wisely will shorten the war and save human life’’.— | Secretary W. G. McADOO. May 14, 1917 A Liberty Loan Bond is Uncle Sam’s Promise to Pay and He is Worth $225,000,000,000. : ‘cM i | so Please mention THE MaRINE Review when writing to Advertisers i eal