66 THE MARINE REVIEW July, 1917 Your Ship Needs The ULTRA VIOLET RAY SYSTEM Drinking Water Purification and Sterilization Every Boat must have another Pump! The law-makers have decreed that every boat that sails the Great Lakes must have an independent system for supplying drinking water. The drinking water cannot pass through the same pump that feeds your boilers. Therefore, you must install an addition- al pump. What Pump shall it be? Already, from our Gleveland Office alone, we have sold over 100 UNION DUPLEX PUMPS The great demand for these pumps, all for use on boats, proves that boat owners have the utmost confidence in us. : For many years UNION PUMPS have given the kind of. service that makes permanent friends. Installation of STERILIZER end FILTER on S. S. ALABAMA No Heating, Cooling, Chemicals or Extra Pumping Every pump, before shipment, receives a thorough test. by a competent en- gineer. It must stand a fifty percent excess pressure at full speed, on a half day run, before it is passed by the testing engineer. Operates by use of electricity and consumes the current of but about seven incandescent lamps. The temperature, taste, odor, color, mineral and gaseous content remain as before steril- ization. Bacteriological Results Guaranteed. Complies with U. S. Government require- ments. Write for Bulletin. THE R. U. V. COMPANY 50 BROAD STREET NEW YORK Every pump is guaranteed by us for a year against defects in material and workmanship. Before you install that new pump, WRITE US The Union Steam Pump Co. Battle Creek, Mich. Please mention THE MarRInE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers