68 THE MARINE REVIEW July, 1917 2 WARD’S WROUGHT STEEL MARINE BOILER eel Holding the Records in the Navies of the World The records for Economy, Capacity and Endurance in the Navies of the World, are held by BABCOCK & WILCOX FORGED STEEL Marine Water-Tube Boilers -— Superheaters Moreover, the same superior characteristics have been proved in the Merchant Marine. Do you know that Babcock & Wilcox Boilers and Superheaters in one vessel are saving more than 15 per cent over Scotch boilers in sister vessels? Isn’t such a great reduction in coal bills of very great interest to you? All essential parts of Babcock & Wilcox Boilers are heavier than the corresponding parts in Scotch boilers, thus giving greater security against corrosion. Let us send you full details explaining why “‘Babcock & Wilcox”’ stands for safety, ease of cleaning and simplicity of operation. A large portion of our business consists of “‘repeat-orders.”” You know what that means. Write us at once. ADOPTED BY U.S. GOVERNMENT GENERATING TUBES EXPANDED. NO OTHER JOINTS. NO NIPPLE CONNECTIONS. NO STAYBOLTS. The Babcock & Wilcox Co. The Charles Ward Engineering Works NEW YORK and LONDON : CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA MARINE ENGINES RIVER STEAMERS The Anderson Model “D” Steam Trap . | makes your steam using apparatus more efficient , by delivering live hot steam fo it It also permits you to obtain the highest efficiency from each square : foot of heating surface in your plant, by removing the condensa- : tion of your steam as fast as it accumulates. ’ It operates continually and automatically at pressures varying from 250 pounds, to gravity. . — All parts of the Model “1D” Steam Trap are accurately machined to solid gauges Oe ed and can be replaced at any time, as every part is made interchangeable. Ri ame WRITE FOR CATALOG W \ f ‘ ‘i e are also manu acturers of Steam The V. D. Anderson Company, Cleveland, Ohio i2,2). 22 O1Ri Nisiere! Bupeliers Si tiiegs : Mite OUR Ashton Highest Grade Feed-Water | | POP SAFETY VALVES Tilters, | {AND STEAM GAGES Guaranteed to give Unequalled Efficiency, Durability will keep oil out of and Perfect Satisfaction. your boiler Special Features in Valves Outside Pop Regulation, Cam Lever Attach ! ; ment, Jessop Steel Spring, Gages have -Non-Corrosive ve eee Reuters Graduated Dials, Seamless Drawn Springs. Waite for lial ur isess Specify the Ashton and Get the Best Ross Valve Mfg. Co. THE ASHTON VALVE COMPANY 271 Franklin St. - BOSTON, MASS Troy, Ney. Branches; New York Chicago Philadelphia They Have No Equal San Francisco | Please mention THE MARINE REvIEw when writing to Advertisers -