76 ccc Hi! | Where-loBuy THE MARINE REVIEW A classified-by-products list of advertisers for the convenience of readers. want, write us and we will tell you where to get it. you page number of any advertiser and by referring to advertisement you can get full particulars about products. SANTINI TTITINTITVITHTTT SLAM AGENTS (Vessel and Freight.) Boland & ea Buffalo, N. Y. Hutchinson ‘Co., Cleveland, O. Yecnardson, W. Ci & -.Co., Cleveland, OQ; Vance & Joys Co., Milwaukee, Wis. AIR PUMPS. ' Gardner. Governor Co., Quincy, Union Steam Pump Co., ‘Bette Create, Mich. AIR RECEIVERS (Welded Steel.) Continental Iron Works, The, Brooklyn, N. Y. AIR TOOLS. ao Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Chicago, III. ANCHORS. American Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Galbraith, C. C., & Son, New York, N. Y. ARCHITECTS (Naval.) Babcock & Penton, Cleveland, O. — Donnelly, Wm. T., New York, N. Y. Lamm, C. H.,' Portland, Ore. Ried, John, & Co., New York, N. Y. Smith Bros., Buffalo, Y; ATTORNEYS AND PROCTORS IN > ADMIRALTY. Davidson & Hudson, Sault Ste. Mile, Mich. Gilchrist, Albert J., Cleveland, Goulder, White & Garry, Cleveland, oO. Hartshorne, Insley. & Leake,) pants City, N oe ‘Holding, Masten,, Duncan & Leckie, Cleveland. Hoyt, Dustin, Kelley, McKeehan & Andrews, Cleveland, O. Kremer, C. E., Chicago, IIl. Spencer & Spencer, Duluth, Mich. Stover & Stover, Milwaukee, Wis. Warren, Cady, Ladd & Hill, Detroit, Mich. BARS (Iron and Steel-Hollow Stay- bolt.) Falls Hollow Staybolt Gu: Cuyahoga Falls, O. BEACONS. Safety Car Heat’g & Light’g Co., New York. BEDDING. Bernstein Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. BEDSTEADS Bernstein Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. . BELLS (Engine Call, Etc.) Cory, Chas., & cee New York, N. Y. Van Duzen, The E. W., -Co.; Cincinnati, O. BENDING BRAKES. Dreis & Krump Mfg. Co., Chicago, Ill. BERTHS AND BUNKS (Ship.) Bernstein Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. BILGE PUMPS. Blackmer Rotary Pump Co., Petoskey, Mich. BINNACLES. Ritchie, E. S., & Sons, Brookline, Mass. BLOCKS (Tackle.) Boston & Lockport Block Co., East Boston. Welin Marine Equipment Co. Long Island City; “Noy. BLOWERS (Flue.) American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, O. Room, Telegraph, cc ccc ccc ccc BOAT BUILDERS. Drein, Thomas, & Sons, Wilmington, Del. Kahnweiler’s, David, Sons, New York City. BOILER GRAPHITE. Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co., Jersey City, N. J. BOILER MAKING MACHINERY. Dreis & Krump Mfg. Co., Chicago, Ill. BOILER NOZZLES (Welded Steel.) Continental Iron Works, The, Brooklyn, N. Y. BOILER PLATES. La Belle Iron Works, Steubenville, O. BOILER REPAIRS. Commercial Boiler Works, The, Seattle, ee Oldman Boiler Works, The, Buffalo, BOILERS (Marine.) Almy Water Tube Boiler Co., Bit eel el hi American Ship Building pe Cl eveland, Babcock & Wilcox Co., New York, N. Y. Baltimore. Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Co., Baltimore, Md. Chicago Ship Bldg. Co., So. Chicago, III. Collingwood Ship Bldg. Co., Ltd., Collingwood, Ont. Commercial Boiler Works, The, Seattle, Wash. Delaney, P., & Co., Newburgh, N. Y. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit, Mich. Fletcher, W. & A., Co., Hoboken, N. J. Johnston Bros., Ferrysburg, Mich. pinesiore Fdy. Mch. Wks., Oswego, N. Y. Lake Erie Boiler Works, Buffalo, N. Y. MacKinnon Boiler & Machine Co., Bay City, Mich. Manitowoc Ship Building Co., Manitowoc; Wis. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Moore & Scott Iron Works, San Francisco. Oldman Boiler Works, The; Buffalo, N. Y. Pennsylvania Ship Building Co., Philadelphia. Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Co., Seattle. Sun Shipbuilding Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Superior Ship Bldg. Co., = a Wis. Toledo Ship Building fo. Toledo, O. Ward, Chas., Engrg. Wks., Charleston, W. Va. BOILERS (Water Tube.) Ward, Chas., Engrg. Wks., Charleston, W. Va. BOILER STEAM AND WATER DRUMS (Welded.) Continental Iron Wks., The, Brooklyn, N. Y. BOLT ROPE (Manilla.) Whitlock Cordage Co., New York, N. Y. BOOKS. Penton’s Book News, Cleveland, O. BRAKES (Bending.) Dreis & Krump Mfg. Co., Chicago, IIl. BRASS GOODS. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit, Mich. Lunkenheimer Co., The, Cincinnati, A Penberthy palecsar Co., Detroit, Mich. Williams, Wm. E., New York, x: BROKERS (Vessel.) Boland & Cornelius, Buffalo, N. Y. Chicago Steamboat Exchange, Chicago, III. Farley, Edward z ay Chicago, II. Richardson, W. & Co., Cleveland, O. BRUSHES GRAPHITE (For Motor or Dynamo.) Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co., Jersey City, N. J. q Index to advertisements will give ‘Waterbury Co., July, 1917 99 If you don’t find what you AAA i. BUOYS. Kahnweiler’s, David, Sons, New oo an Williams, Wm. E., New York, BUOYS (Gas and Spar.) Safety Car Heat’g & Light’g Co., New York, CABLES. Durable Wire Rope Co., Mass. New York, N. Williams, Wm. E., New York, N. Y. CANVAS PROOFINGS. Robeson-Preservo Products Co., Port Huron, Mich. CAPSTANS. American Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Chase Machine Co., Cleveland, O.. Dake Engine Co., Grand Haven, Mich. Boston, Pa; CARPENTERS. Baltimore Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Co., Baltimore, Md. CASTINGS. Collingwood Ship Bldg. Co., Collingwood, Ont. Oldman Boiler Works, The, Buffalo, Niecy: CASTINGS (Brass and Bronze.) Dake Engine Co., Grand Haven, Mich. Scranton Fdy. & Engine Works, New York. Trout, H. G., Co., Buffalo, N. Y. CASTINGS (Gray Iron.) Scranton Fdy. & Engine Works, CAULKING COTTON. Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co., Jersey City, N. J. CHOCKS. American Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Welin Marine Equipment Co., Long Island City, N.Y; CIRCULATORS (Boiler.) Eckliff Automatic Boiler Circulator Co., Detroit, Mich. McNab Co., Bridgeport, Conn, CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY. American Bureau of Shipping, New York City. COAL (Producers and Shippers.) Hall, Geo., Coal & Transportation Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. Hanna, M. A., & Co., Cleveland, O. Lorain Coal & Dock Co., Columbus, oO. Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland, .O. COLUMNS (Water.) Anderson, The V. D., Co., Cleveland, O. COMPASSES. Ritchie, E. S., & Sons, Brookline, Mass. COMPRESSORS (Air.) Gardner Governor Co., Quincy, IIl. Union Steam Pump Co., Battle Creek, Mich. CONCRETE SHIPBUILDERS. Bayles Shipyard, Port Jefferson, L. I., N. Y. CONDENSERS. American eds ee < 2 Co., eda ents: Pa: Williams, Wm. » New York, CONDENSER SHELLS (Welded Steel.) Continental Iron Works, The, Brooklyn, N. Y. CONVEYORS. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. New York. See Index to Advertisements for pages containing advertisements of companies listed above