July, 1917 SKANDIA Marine Engine, 2 Cycle, Reversing Gear. 15 YEARS OF SERVICE Skandia Engines operate on crude or fuel oil—.55 to .6 Ib. of fuel per brake horse-power per hour guaranteed. The type shown here is made from 17 to 190 H. P. The speed gears are forged of Bessemer Steel and especially ma- chined. The ahead or astern run is obtained instantly and _re- liably in the simplest manner without an expert attendant. The reversing gears are thoroughly tested and run before shipment. Fifteen years experience has proved this type of engine well adapted for average-size Towboats, Fishing Boats, and Auxiliary Sailing Vessels. Lakes, Gulf and Atlantic Coast Agents, H. S. JOHANNSEN, 50 Church St., New York Pacific Coast Agents: Northwest Representative: Skandia Pacific Oil Engine Co., San Francisco. Skandia Engineering Co., Seattle bh. we We) ye EFFICIENT SCREW PROPELLERS ARE OBTAINED BY USING re DYSON ro OVER 300 ftitbine'in this Country WILL CARRY PROPELLERS DESIGNED BY THE AMERICAN SCREW PROPELLER CO. Hale Buildin Philadelphia, Pa. . Managing Director , RAYMOND E. LOVEKIN Write for Our Catalog and List of Our Clients U. S. Metallic Packing BOR <. Marine Engine Piston Rods and Valve Stems The U. S. Metallic Packing Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Write for Catalog. Please m THE MARINE REVIEW 81 YoU DONT ser£E.v. LEAK STEAM © LIKE THIS (= WHEN USEING MADE IN ALL SIZES TO FIT ALL VALVES ON THE MARKET | MADE OF NV. B. (), stock Put up 8 spools in box, 12 Keepitites on each spool. Sizes, 14” to 2”. STATE FOR WHAT VALVE WANTED. Will not harden up under continued action of steam—will not corrode—are long lived—easy to install. Furnished also in the Spiral form. HOME RUBBER CO TRENTON, N. J. Put This Down If FUEL COAL is needed on the St. Lawrence River & ALL’S COAL ALL’S SERVICE ALL’S PRICE BEATS ’EM ALL MONTREAL, P. Q. OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Equip your boiler with a reliable VANDUZEN Patent Vertical Water Gauge Commended by Steam Boiler Inspectors. Used extensively on most large River Steamers, in Water Works and Stationary SESE ngine’ Boilers. Simple in con- struction, durable and reliable in ==; Operation. The dials are large and easily read. Reliability and effectiveness guaranteed. THE E. W. VANDUZEN CO. 428-434 E. Second St. Cincinnati, O. ention THE Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers