August, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW For Engine and Transmission Bearings When the importance of bearing lubrication is considered — the fact that the very life of the machinery depends on it—the cost of the necessary lubricating device becomes insignificant. The selection therefore, of Oil and Grease Cups should be governed by their reliability a service and their durability. These features are embodied in Lunkenheimer Oil and Grease Cups: The practical designs, the high grade materials used, the expert workmanship and evan of satisfactory service which they give proves this. The extensive line includes Oil Cu s with glass or bronze body, with or without sight-feed and Grease Cups with automatic a screw feed, in bronze, iron or steel. From among the many types made can be found a cup ? suitable for every service requirement. o Buy the Best—They are the Cheapest Your local dealer can furnish them; if not, write us. Write for Booklets Nos. 523 and 524 THE LUNKENHEIMER ce. —="QUALITY "am om Largest Manufacturers of High Grade Engineering Specialties in the World l New York CINCINNATI Boston E. Chicago London Here’s the Ladder For Your Ship—It is made to save lives The old rope ladder is a death dealing trap. Only experienced seamen can escape on it—and then with a great deal of difficulty. Such a trap is better in the sea than on YOUR ship. Such ladders twist, turn and shake. They’re very unsafe. You NEED the McArthur Jacob’s Ladder on your ship because many ofthebest Trans-Atlanticlinershavethem. They’re safe. They hug to the side of the vessel, won’t twist, shake or turn. They’re quickly placed and any person can climb safely down to the life boats when necessary. Every detail in the construction of these ladders has been worked out to produce strength, lightness, portability and efficiency. The cable of these ladders is of plow steel, com- bining lightness with great strength. The steps are of galvanized or sherardized sheet iron, with 2 two-tooth prongs giving a firm foothold. (See illustration.) The hooks are of sherardized stamped sheet metal. McArthur Ladders can be compactly rolled up when not in use. They are sold in sections of any desired length. These sections may be instantly con- nected by means of snap hooks, adapting the ladder to light or loaded condition of ships. Write us for full particulars. ~ McArthur Portable Fire Escape & Jacob’s Ladder Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO eee The McArthur Jacob’s Ladder is patented and all infringements upon it will be prosecuted. Please mention THE MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers 99