12 THE MARINE REVIEW August, 1917 oe in eS ” ae" spp ome ARLE OPP taal CLEVELAND & purrs? ca&B ah, naghavant BUILDERS OF “‘SEEANDBEE,” LARGEST SIDE WHEEL STEAMER IN THE WORLD. Designers and builders of all types of Freight and Passenger Steamers, Engines, Boilers and Auxiliary Machinery Manufacturers of BRASS MARINE HARDWARE and BRASS SPECIALTIES. Builders of Metallic Life Boats, and Clark Patent Metallic Life Rafts. DETROIT SHIPBUILDING COMPANY M. E. Farr, Pres. and Treas. E. Ketcham, Secretary Frank Jeffrey, Gen. Supt. John D. Langell, Supt. of Dry Docks and Repairs Established 1852 Steel Shipbuilding Plant at Wyandotte, Michigan. First- Dry Docks, Machinery Works and class equipment for making hull and machinery repairs. General Offices, Foot of Orleans Street DETROIT, MICH. Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co. Designers and Builders of Steel Passenger Boats Floating Cranes Marine Engines Steel Freighters Lighters Semi-Diesel Engines Sand Suckers Fireboats Marine Boilers Dredges Tugs Deck Machinery, etc. Dump Scows Facilities for prompt and economical repairs MANITOWOC, WISCONSIN Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Company BUILDERS OF GENERAL CARGO STEAMERS — BULK OIL STEAMERS 7,500 TO 12,500 TONS D. W. 11 KNOTS 7,000 TONS D. W. 11 KNOTS —_ ES) Yards at GLOUCESTER CITY, N. J.. Office: LAND TITLE BLDG., PHILADELPHIA Please mention THE MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers