August, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 17 Winslow Built Ships Have Stood the Test of Time—They Make Money for Their Owners, Continuously With 90 acres of naturally sloping land and half a mile of frontage on deep, land locked harbor, eight miles from Seattle, our complete- ly equipped plant offers special facilities for the construction of both wooden and steel vessels. Excellent labor conditions insure rapid and accurate work. Mild climate permits continuous operations out-of-doors throughout the year. Modern Marine Railway With Steel Cradle 325 feet long—Capacity 4,000 Tons Bow View of Framing of Ore Steamer “tAnyox” Vessel No. 142 at the Winslow Yard The Winslow Marine Railway & Shipbuilding Co. JAMES GRIFFITHS, President Yards at Winslow, Washington Main Office: Burke Building, Seattle, Washington WHITING TRAVELING CRANES — eT Tee a ‘ee r staadlard | designs are adapted for use | in shipbuilding plants, combin- x diag Ree ing safety and SAIS ri accessibility with efficient operation. Practically any span or capacity. Send for new _catalog FOUR-MOTOR ELECTRIC GANTRY CRANE Span 118 ft.; overhang one end, 50 ft. Equipped with 2 cu. yard capacity clamshell bucket for handling coal. ! Complete Foundry Plants |jggeevesmmeniies Designed, Equipped and Started in Operation : Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers