2 THE MARINE REVIEW August, 1917 GOLD MEDAL Highest Award MarineDiesel Engines Panama-Pacific Exposition 120 H.P., Four Cycle Nelseco Diesel—Heavy Duty Reversing Gear Type 50,000 H. P. NELSECO DIESEL ENGINES In Service in American and Foreign Vessels 50,000 H. P. Now Building Sizes: 120, 180, 240, 360, 480 to 3000 H. P. NEW LONDON SHIP & ENGINE CO., Groton, Conn., . 5. A. Single Valve Chipping Hammers Produce More and Better Work at Less Expense Equipped with a oe Walve of the No Latest Vibration > Design Light and Easy to Operate Powerful, Durable and Economical The many Thor Hammers in Daily Use in Shipyards and Dry Docks in this Country is Ample Proof of Their Success. Size B Thor chipping hammer cutting and finishing up patch boats on propeller eye. Shipped on‘trial. INDEPENDENT PNEUMATIC TOOL COMPANY Chicago New York Pittsburgh Detroit San Francisco Birmingham Montreal Please mention THE Marine ReEvIEw when writing to Advertisers