August, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW , 75 E] . : You CAN'T operate YOUR Scotch boilers economic- Eckliff Boiler Circulators _ *ly 2nd efficiently WITHOUT Circulation. You CAN operate them at HIGHEST efficiency and LOWEST expense by installing ECKLIFFS. p ° ° atta These Life-saving inventions are the FASTEST, J H Lifeboat Windlas ses snk ae ee ECONOMICAL appliances in * ° - the world, for the SAFE handling of lifeboats. Th and Rapid Releasing Hooks enable ONE man to do the fork EIGHT, or re —and in a FRACTION of the time. Write today for New Descriptive Folder with ECKLIFF CIRCULATOR CO. list of Eckliff users—also Illustrated Pamph- ia D i cena etroit 54 Shelby Street Michi let showing J-H Windlasses and Hooks. New York Philadelphia | Chicago — Francisco woe des WARD’S WROUGHT STEEL MARINE BOILER a ee Yea Holding the Records in the Navies of the World The records for Economy, Capacity and Endurance in the Navies of the World, are held by BABCOCK & WILCOX FORGED STEEL Marine Water-Tube Boilers Superheaters Moreover, the same superior characteristics have been proved in the Merchant Marine. Do you know that Babcock & Wilcox Boilers and Superheaters in one vessel are saving more than 15 per cent over Scotch boilers in sister vessels? Isn’t such a great reduction in coal bills of very great interest to you? All essential parts of Babcock & Wilcox Boilers are heavier than the corresponding parts in Scotch boilers, thus giving rae ane! ceive, uel os Aye Ante eee t E : et us send you full details explaining why “Babcoc Wilcox” stands for safety, ease of cleaning and simplicity ADOPTED BY U.S. GOVERNMENT mt ope scion: GENERATING TUBES EXPANDED. NO OTHER large portion of our business consists of “‘repeat-orders.” You know what that means. Write us at once. JOINTS. NO NIPPLE CONNECTIONS. NO STAYBOLTS. The Babcock & Wilcox Co. The Charles Ward Engineering Works NEW YORK. and LONDON CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA MARINE ENGINES RIVER STEAMERS MARINE BOILERS OF ALL TYPES “a | = nnceroro | || S&K OIL GOul as COOLING MARINE TURBINE LUBRICANTS i OUNDRY & COOLING FRESH WATER WITH SEA WATER M ACHINE EFFICIENT SPACE. SAVING Send for Catalog 12-C WORKS, SCHUTTE & KOERTING CO. Oswego, N. Y. 12th and Thompson Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers