August, 1917 78 THE MARINE REVIEW EZ Lagi Mey This page is conducted for the vessel agent and insurance agent who has a real service to offer the vessel owner and operator. Adam E. Cornelius John J. Boland .; BOLAND & CORNELIUS VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS Marine Insurance Agents 1204 Prudential Building, BUFFALO, N. Y. Co-Operative Grain Trimmers Fort William, Ontario Let us Trim your Steamers We know how W. L. Cook, Manager Phone—South 184 | INSURANCE EXCHANGE OSBORN & COMPANY INSURANCE - AVERAGE ADJUSTERS Hulls and Cargoes (All Classes). Direct facilities for placing insurance in all home and foreign markets. 175 West Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO, ILL. PAGE & JONES, SHIP BROKERS AND STEAMSHIP AGENTS MOBILE, ALA., U.S. A. Cable Address: “‘PAJONES, MOBILE.”? Codes—Watkins— ’ Scott’s—A BC, &c. W. C. Richardson Clarence E. Richardson John T. Kelly racy H. Paine EDWARD P. FARLEY CO. W. C. RICHARDSON & CO. Vessel Brokers Passenger and Freight Steamers, Tugs, Lighters, Self- Propelled Canal Barges 1501 Railway Exchange Bldg. Chicago, Illinois C. L. Hutchinson HUTCHINSON & CO. VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS Office: Main 2453 Phones: { Res, C. L. Hutchinson, Marlo, 244 Res. W. H. McGean, Garfield 274 1011 Leader-News Bldg. Cleveland If you will write us we will ex- plain in detail just how these pro- fessional cards can produce bus- iness for you. 621 cares of the day. W.H. McGean The time for you to talk to the vessel owner about your services is when his mind is free from the VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENTS 816-818 Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland, O. Office Tel., Main 338 Resid W. C. Richardson, Doan 404 esidence ! John T. Kelly, East 3610 hone ( Clarence E. Richardson, Eddy 492 VANCE & JOYS CO. VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS 1004-1006 First National Bank Building TELEPHONE MAIN 3907 MILWAUKEE, WIS. A vessel owner will place more confidence in your business if he learns of it thru the paper that has kept him informed on marine subjects for years than if he learns of it anywhere else. 627 You'll find the vessel owner’s mind free from the cares of the day when he is read- ing his favorite marine paper—the Marine Review. That’s the time for you to do your talking. 624 Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers