August, 1917 Ballin Water Tube Boilers The only SECTIONAL BOILER with VERTICAL TUBES INSTALLED IN S. S. “H. B. Kennedy”’ Fireboats 9 Den ae NE a Oe ee wince sone te: 8. S. ‘“Tacoma’’ Ferry “‘Leshi’”’ “David Campbell” ...1800 I. H. P. S.:8.c Rose: City’? ..0% S. S. “Solduc” Suction Dredges U.S. Seagoing Dredge “Duwamish” “P. S. Michie” GH Peo ualatin® Steam generated in Vertical Tubes can escape to the steamdrum by its natural buoyancy, while in horizontal tubes it can only be liberated after being forced with the water into the steamdrum. ‘Think about this important feature and understand why BALLIN BOILERS furnish dry steam. Because of Vertical Tubes BALLIN BOILERS can use smaller tubes, which means Safety, Light Weight, Ease of Repairs and Compactness. BALLIN BOILERS have a large Combustion Chamber; all Engineers know its importance. Sediment will not lodge in Vertical Tubes, for this reason the Engineers like them. For Further Information Address Ballin Water Tube Boiler Co. Portland, Ore. or FRED A. GARDNER, San Francisco Agent 528 Merchants Exchange Bldg., San Francisco Equip your boiler with a reliable VANDUZEN Patent Vertical Water Gauge Commended by Steam Boiler Inspectors. Used extensively on most large River Steamers, in Water Works and Stationary Engine Boilers. Simple in con- struction, durable and reliable in operation. The dials are large and easily read. Reliability and effectiveness guaranteed. THE E. W. VANDUZEN CO. AUT 428-434 E. Second St. Cincinnati, O. EFFICIENT SCREW PROPELLERS ARE OBTAINED BY USING — re DYSON we20 OF THE LARGEST STEEL SHIPS NOW OVER 30 BUILDING in this Country WILL CARRY PROPELLERS DESIGNED BY THE AMERICAN SCREW PROPELLER CO. Buildin Philadelphia, Pa. nap csi ees . Managing Director : RAYMOND E. LOVEKIN Write for Our Catalog and List of Our Clients LMNNIML THE MARINE REVIEW A 2,500 H.P. DOUBLE-PINION GEAR SET Many vessels are now being fitted with De Laval Double- helical Gears like the above. The steam turbine which is to be connected to this gear is of the com- pound type, that is, consists of a high pressure and a low pressure part, mounted on separate shafts, each having its own pinion meshing with the large gear. The latter is coupled directly to the propeller shaft, which runs at 110 r.p.m., while the pinion speed is 2,400 r.p.m. This type of power plant has the distinct and important advantage; although more expensive than a single turbine drive, either part of the turbine can be used alone to drive the boat in case the other part should re- quire repairs or overhauling while at sea. All the advantages of duplicate turbines are thus secured, while at the same time the efficiency of the unit is very high. Over 150,000 h. p. of De Laval Geared Turbines and 500,000 h. p. of De Laval gears alone, are built, building or under contract. State size, speed and character of ship, boiler pressure contemplated and probable date of completion, and we will gladly supply full particulars. DE LAVAL STEAM TURBINE CO. TRENTON 259 NEW JERSEY BERNSTEIN METAL BERTHS offer a complete, practical and efficient line. A berth to successfully meet every condition on board ship. Bernstein No. 5553 Third Class Steerage and Crew Berths Write for catalog No. 17 descriptive of Bernstein Berths, Ship Beds, Bedding and Metal Furniture 3 venue Department R MANUEACTURING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. Please-mention THE MaRINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers 81