30 THE MARINE REVIEW : September, 1917 % Reilly Evaporators, Distillers, Heaters, Coolers, Etc. Contracts now in hand to supply equipment for Battle Cruisers Battleships Scout Cruisers Destroyers Submarines Fuel Oil Ships Hospital Ship Navy Transport The above named units are also the standard equipment for mer- chant vessels. | Many sizes kept constantly in. stock. Write for Bulletins. THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL CO. 2121 West Street Building NEW YORK BERNSTEIN METAL BERTHS. offer a complete, practical and efficient line. : A berth to successfully meet every condition on board ship. A 2,500 H.P. DOUBLE-PINION GEAR SET , Many vessels are now being fitted with De Laval Double- helical Gears like the above. The steam turbine which is to be connected to this gear is of the com- pound type, that is, consists of a high pressure and a low pressure part, mounted on separate shafts, each having its own pinion meshing with the large gear. The latter is coupled directly to the propeller shaft, which runs at 110 r.p.m., while the pinion speed is 2,400 r.p.m. This type of power plant has the distinct and important advantage, although more expensive than a single turbine drive, either part of the - turbine can be used alone to drive the boat in case the other part should re- quire repairs or overhauling while at sea’ All the advantages of duplicate turbines are thus secured, while at the same time the efficiency of the unit is very high. Over 150,000 h.p. of De Laval Geared Turbines and 500,000 h. p. of De Laval gears alone, are built, building or under contract. State size, speed and character of ship, boiler pressure contemplated and probable date of completion, and we will gladly supply full particulars. DE LAVAL STEAM TURBINE CO. TRENTON. 259 NEW JERSEY Bernstein No. 5553 Third Class Steerage and Crew Berths Write for catalog No. 17 descriptive of Bernstein Berths, Ship Beds, Bedding and Metal Furniture y 3rd and Allegheny Department R g S Avenue | SIANUSACTURING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa." Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers