October, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW - AT T3 fr ReDdivs.- ee WSR - DRAVO-DOYLE-CO. SHIPYARD WHIRLER wey, j =~ AAT TT TTT PEAY SO oly a a oi Pht En 20-0" (Te Suir) Tower Whirlers for Shipyards CAPACITIES UP TO 10 TONS AT 73 FT. RADIUS SWINGS THRU COMPLETE CIRCLE One Tower Whirler Serves Two Shipways ELECTRIC OR STEAM SELF PROPELLING SELF ROTATING Two Now Building for a Prominent Shipyard SHIPMENTS wows? EADY, 10 Sune TOWER: PROMPTLY TO ORDER STANDARD WHIRLERS (on 13! 10" track) are faster and better than locomotive cranes for exca- vating or handling material with clam shell or orange peel buckets). SHIPMENTS FROM STOCK. Steel Construction Throughout Can Be Furnished Wooden Shipbuilders: We can furnish all metal and mechanical parts with drawings for you to furnish timbers and assemble. _ Inquiries should state if steam or electric power is required. If electric give current characteristics. State height tower desired, maximum radius, maximum load, average load and maximum radius for maximum load. Do you wish to furnish timber parts ? PRICES ARE REASONABLE Send Your Conditions for Specifications and Quotations to Nearest Office. DRAVO-DOYLE COMPANY Pittsburgh, Pa. CLEVELAND INDIANAPOLIS PHILADELPHIA Please mention THE MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers