20 | THE MARINE REVIEW October, 1917 Your Reputation is at Stake Now that ships are in so great demand, the record of each one will be closely watched. Every ship will be expected to do its bit. A failure will reflect directly on the builder. Then build your ships right. Use OUR DOUGLAS FIR LUMBER WE KNOW THE QUALITY A SHIP REQUIRES— AND WE GIVE IT TO YOU. Rail and Cargo Shippers. Ship Decking; Ship Knees; Spars; Planking; Long Timbers. SULLIVAN & FORBES, Inc. _. Northwestern Bank Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON > \ j YN -'. 44 ig AK r A ‘i x gga a \ X, ee ie toe «7 f° < t/ 2 dav / RAN ath is bt ! The procuring and producing facilities of our organization are unequaled. Two well equipped mills and three buying offices are always at your immediate service. Just TellUs How Much If you’re a Shipbuilder our What one branch of our organization can- ’ not accomplish for you the other will. Order your Douglas Fir from a reliable source where service is guaranteed. Special Lumber Service is yours Our hobby is Pacific Coast Douglas Fir Any size Timbers for Planking, Keelsons, Decking also Scaffold Lumber for Shipyards Port Orford Cedar Spars: Rough or Battens Finished WRITE US Mills — Bridal Veil and Cascade Locks. Buying Ofices—Portland, Seattle and Centralia. Ask about our buying service. Douglas Fir Lumber Co. Manufacturing Merchants Saari-Tully Lumber Co. PORTLAND =—SCOOREGON Northwestern Bank Building PORTLAND, OREGON Newly Patented Bent pipe saves the cost of elbow joints. ee oe Makes a better and cheaper job! VVONDER Pipe Bender bends 2-inch pipe, cold, to 90 degrees in one minute. Handles any length pipe. THREE SIZES: ¥g" to 1"— 38" to 2”—214" to 4” Write for catalog. AMERICAN PIPE BENDING MACHINE COMPANY 37 PEARL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Used by Leading Firms Please mention THe Martine Review when writing to Advertisers