aay dee 5 Why Our Customers Are Satisfied and We Are Prosperous BECAUSE our SERVICE, is prompt and thorough. ’ BECAUSE we do’ a large variety of important repairs, not only, on boilers, but also on cast iron work and- cast ‘steel, sayings our customers thousands of dollars for | replacein ents. - BECAUSE our brices | are ase on efficient per- ‘formance -under intelligent supervision and Wasted Hawsepipes or Wild ; Cats rebuilt, *worn ‘shafts : ‘Deck leaks stopped. - repaired. -_ . cepted by Lloyds e and UsS. | " Inspectors - = . OEE =e e our clients get full value i in lasting repairs at a. minimum cost. for any service, Boilers patched, dale seams welded and’ wasted parts rebuilt. _—day or night. Motor Truc k, Motor Generator or Barge Service. A rebuilt before lathing.. Cracked coe Our Workéés hes * a 280 Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND, OHIO Telephones: Bell, Main 4028 Cuy. Central, 8738L i se ° ne a a “Contents, page. 5 Bas “Where-to-Buy,” page 86 . Always dy | anywhere, any time “VOL. 47°. CLEVELAND OCTOBER, 19177 .. NEW YORK ./ — No. 10