32 THE MARINE REVIEW October, 1917 TRADE PACKINGS RC DECK HOSE PUMP VALVES AR STEAM HOSE in pishiglieat Off. The Mechanical Rubber Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO Branches in the Principal Lake Ports BERNSTEIN METAL BERTHS offer a complete, practical and efficient line. A berth to successfully meet every condition ori board ship. 4500 H. P. Double Pinion Marine Gear 1,000,000 H. P. of De Laval Gears Ordered Of these, 200,000 horse power are complete De Laval Geared Marine Turbine sets. The geared steam turbine gives: Greater speed, Greater cargo-carrying capacity, Greater steaming radius, Lessened expense for attendance and supplies, and Increased reliability. De Laval Geared Sets are also employed on many boats for supplying electric current, handling condenser and bilge water, operating fans, etc. Full particulars, with drawings showing dimensions, etc., of De Laval Mari : : Geared Turbine units are given in our Special Publication No. 63 sent Ton Bernstein No. 5553 Third Class Steerage and Crew Berths request. , Write for catalog No. 17 descriptive of Bernstein . Berths, Ship Beds, Bedding and Metal Furniture De Laval Steam Turbine Co. 3rd and Allegheny Trenton 279 New Jersey Department R Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers