October, 1917 diameter by 21-inch stroke, and worked from the low-pressure crosshead; chamber of cast iron, brass-lined. Air pump will be attached to seats or facings on the engine framing. The rod will be of steel, cased with brass, and properly guided. The pump links will be fitted with double nuts. The air-pump rod will be fitted into the crosshead. 21. Circulating Pump To be of the centrifugal type with cast-iron casing, brass runner, and shaft. The pump will be driven by a direct-acting single-cylinder engine, 8 inches diameter by 10-inch stroke. The pump will have 14-inch suction and discharge. 22. Feed Pumps To be of cast iron, two in number, 4 inches diameter by 21-inch stroke, one at each end of air pump cross- head, arranged so that they can be worked independently. Rams to be of brass, pump chests of brass with brass valves and seats. A spring relief valve to be fitted and also a large air cham- ber. Stuffing boxes to have brass neck rings and glands fitted with brass bushings. Pet valves fitted to each pump. 23. Bilge Pumps To be of cast iron, two in number, each fitted with ram and valves of brass. Air vessel to be fitted on dis- charge of each pump. Discharge pipes to be copper with valves on ship’s sides. Bilge pumps to be 5 inches diameter by 2l-inch stroke. One pump to be arranged to draw from sea and discharge on deck with an escape valve on the delivery pipe. Pet valves on each pump. 24. Evaporator Feed Pump To be 13% inches diameter by 8-inch stroke and connected to the air-pump beams. 25. Air-Pump Crosshead To be of steel, turned and finished bright, holes bored to receive air, feed and bilge pump rams, and worked by links from the low-pressure cross- head. Adjustable guide to be fitted on back of housing. Crosshead to be Atted to air-pump rod. 26. Pump Levers and Links Pump levers to be double steel plates, with shaft working on separate adjustable bearings with brass boxes and steel caps. Links of steel with adjustable bushes or boxes fitted at each end and connected to engine crosshead and pump crosshead. Oil ‘cups fitted where necessary. The links will be fitted with double nuts. 27. Relief Valves Fitted to intermediate-pressure and low-pressure steam chests. Cast-iron bodies with valves and seats of brass. 28. Overboard Discharge Valves on Ship’s Side To have proper fittings for keeping valve open when necessary. Discharge pipe of copper. 29. Crank Shaft Built of forged steel 14 inches diam- eter in three interchangeable sections with webs shrunk to pins and: shafts, and with shafts keyed. Each section THE MARINE REVIEW to work on two bearings of cast iron lined with an approved high grade white metal fitted in the bedplate. Cranks to be placed at angles of 120 degrees. To be turned and finished bright all over and coupled together with turned and fitted steel bolts and wrought-iron nuts. Shaft to have fin- ishing cut taken off in lathe after all parts are coupled together, and then bedded accurately into main bearing. 30. Thrust Shaft To be of forged steel, 14 inches diameter, coupled to crankshaft, turned and finished bright with 10 thrust col- lars. Couplings and thrust collars to be forged solid on shaft. 31. Line Shafts To be of forged steel, 13 inches diameter, turned all over, couplings forged solid on shafts. Sheet-iron guard to be fitted over each coupling in tunnel. 32. Propeller Shaft To be of forged steel, 147% inches diameter, turned all over, and fitted with continuous brass liners; after liner carried into recess in propeller boss. The joint between the forward and after lines will be brazed. After end of shaft tapered to fit bore of propeller. 33. Thrust Bearing Thrust bearing to be fitted with 10 horseshoe collars lined with an ap- proved high grade white metal. There will be a bearing at each end of the thrust, lined with white metal. Col- lars to be arranged so that each horse- shoe may be separately adjusted for wear while the engines are working. Each shoe fitted for water circulation. 34. Steady Bearings There will be nine steady bearings of cast iron, bottom halves lined with an approved high grade white metal, adjusted to shafting and firmly bolted to casings. Covers to have boxes cast on for lubricating. Water pipe fitted along tunnel with service pipe to ‘each bearing. Pipe to be brass, screwed. 35. Stern Tube To be of cast iron bushed with brass at after end, fitted with lignum-vitae truly bored, and fitted with gland complete. A brass-bushed bearing will be fitted at forward end. To be se- cured to sternpost by wrought-iron nut outside and to bulkhead by iron bolts and nuts. Cast-iron gland, brass bushed, to be fitted at inner end. 36. Purifier A galvanized sheet-steel oil filter or purifier of approved make of 80 gal- lons capacity per 24 hours will be sup- plied. This filter will be fitted with all necessary heater, supply, and drain Pipes, drip pans, etc. A drain tank will be provided for receiving oil from filter. A small rotary-geared hand pump will be supplied for pumping out the crank pits. 37. » Propeller To be solid cast iron with four blades, about 17 feet diameter. The wheel will be secured to the tail shaft by a wrought-iron nut and feather, secured with pin and cotter key. Nut to work reverse way of propeller and to be provided with lugs for driving. 355 One spare cast-iron propeller wheel bei be furnished and stowed aboard ship. 38. Sea Injection Valve To comply with American Bureau of Shipping regulations, fitted with suitable strainer. 39. Whistle An 8-inch single bell chime whistle to be fitted. Exposed portion of whistle pipe to be lagged. 40. Fire and Donkey Pump There will be one 9 x 6 x 10-inch vertical duplex steam pump for wash- ing decks, feeding boilers, etc., piped to circulate water in auxiliary con- denser, in main boilers when getting up steam, and pump from feed tanks into boilers in the event of anything going wrong with the main feed pumps; also connected to sea and reserve feed tanks and fresh-water side of main condenser. 41. Donkey Feed Pump A 4% x 2% x 4inch horizontal duplex donkey feed pump will be fitted with suction from the feed tank and reserve feed tanks and discharge to the boilers direct. This pump to’ be controlled by hand or chronometer valve operated by float in feed tank. 42. Injectors One approved injector to be in- stalled and fitted with 2-inch suction from reserve feed and 2-inch dis- charge to auxiliary feed main. There will be one small injector for feeding donkey boiler. 43. Ballast Pump A 10 x 12 x 12-inch horizontal duplex pump will be fitted for pump- ing out water ballast and bilges. Pump to have brass-lined cylinder and brass pump rod. Pump to discharge overboard direct through main and auxiliary condensers, to fire main, and to fore peak. 44. Fresh-Water Pump A 4% x 2% x 4inch horizontal duplex pump will be fitted to draw from the fresh-water tank in the en- gine room and discharge to the 200- gallon gravity tank amidships. 45. Pipes The following pipes to be of cop- per if over 2 inches diameter; those 2 inches diameter or less to be of brass, standard wrought-pipe size, ex- cept that steam and exhast pipes on deck may be of brass, standard wrought-pipe size where necessary for installation through lightening holes: Main steam risers from boilers (elsewhere steel). : Auxiliary steam throughout. Auxiliary exhaust outside machinery space where exposed to weather. Escape pipe above deck. Main injection and all overboard discharge pipes. Feed discharge,- boiler blows, and water column pipes. Main exhaust. Main air pump suction. Bent portions of ballast pump dis- charge to main and auxiliary con- denser. Engine water service to be of brass pipe, standard wrought-pipe size. The following pipes to be of stand-