-ent who is able to supervise the cons ee ae 96 THE MARINE REVIEW RATES for less than $1.00. All classified ads.—five cents (5c) per word. No ad. accepted Remittance should accompany order for one-time ads. Classified Advertisements | Wanted and For Sale Seven (7) words must be allowed for box address. To insure insertion, copy should reach us before the 9th of the month. October, 1917 2 ini IMPORTANT HAA tl A Help Wanted. WANTED SHIP DRAUGHTSMAN, thoroughly experienced in either wood or steel construction. Apply stating experience, salary expected, and when at liberty. Address Box 178, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. A LARGE AND RESPONSIBLE SHIP building company desires the services of a very high grade and experienced superintend- oe f ooden cargo-carrying vessels. ress Boe tat, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleve- land, O. WANTED:— DRAFTSMEN, LOFTSMEN, Caulkers, Reamers, Drillers, and Fitter Help- ers. Best wages paid. Apply to Box 475, Baltimore, Maryland. WANTED COMPETENT SUPERINTEND- ent, capable of taking full charge of yard building wooden ships for the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Location North Carolina. Full particulars must be stated. Strictly con- fidential. Address Box 182, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. : Positions Wanted ENGINEER WITH TECHNICAL TRAIN- ing, good mathematician and draughtsman. Many years experience in shipbuilding yards, and in construction and repair of land and marine engines and boilers, desires position ‘of responsibility. Excellent credentials. Ad- dress Box 180, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. MARINE ENGINEER WANTS POSI- tion; holds unlimited ocean license. Wants to locate on the Lakes. Address Box 177, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. Ship Building | ARTHUR LANGELL, Ship Building and Repair Yard Electrically equipped. Best of service and rate guaranteed. Steel parts reinforced and shaped. Machine shop conveniences, ST. CLAIR, MICH. For Sale FOR SALE—TWO (2) SCOTCH MARINE Boilers with breeching, smoke stack, safety valves and saddles. Boilers allowed 150 pounds steam pressure last inspected 1914, size 11 ft. 6 in. diameter x 13 ft. Can be seen at Great Lakes Engineering Work, Detroit, Mich. For price and terms address J. A. Boland, 598 EI- licott Square building, Buffalo, N. Y. PLANT FOR SALE:—ONE 3-CU, YD. dipper dredge; 1 Tug boat, 13 x 15 cylinder, hull 40 feet x 13 feet x 6 feet; 3 derrick scows; 1 flat scow 76 feet x 24 feet x 7 feet 6 inches; two 300-cubic yard mud scows; one 1¥%-yard orange peel bucket; one 1%-yard Williams clam shell bucket; one direct con- nected 3%-cubic yard concrete mixer; one marine lake type boiler 16 feet long, 9 feet in diameter, but for 145 pounds’ working pressure heating surface 2,400 square feet. Great Lakes Construction Co., 1020 Leader- News building, Cleveland, O. DAVID W. SIMPSON, 282 STATE ST., Boston, Mass., can sell anything that floats and offer you what you want. Write him. “SERVICEABLE” “USED” Electrical Equipment STEAM UNITS 450-Kw., 250 V. D. C. Crocker-Wheeler with . Nordberg Uniflow Steam Engine. 400-Kw., 250 V. Fort Wayne with Buckeye Steam Engine. 200-Kw., 250 V. D. C. Westinghouse with Erie Ball Steam Engine. MOTORS—DIRECT CURRENT 275 H. P., 220 volt General Elec., speed 425. 200 H. P., 220 volt C. & C. Elec., speed 500. 150 H. P., 220 volt Westgh, M.C., speed 425. Compound wound Mill Type enclosed, 1% hour rating with contactor panel. 100 H.. P., 220 volt C. & C. Elec., speed 200. 75 H. P., 220 volt C. & C. Elec., speed 200 75 H. P., 220 volt Westgh. M., speed 800. 50 H. P., 220 volt C. & C. Elec., speed 500. SERIES WOUND MOTORS 0 H. P., 220 volt Westgh. 56, speed 500. 3-50 H. P., 220 volt Westgh. 38-B, speed 500. 1-40 H. P., 220 volt Western, speed 500. 2-12 H. P., 220 volt Diehl, speed 700. 1-20 H. P., 220 volt, Diehl, speed 800. ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS 300 H. P., 2200 volt, 60 cy., Westgh. CX, speed 200 H. P., 2200 volt, 60 cy, Westgh. C, speed Asya if Sa volt, 60 cy., Westgh. HF, speed 75 HB, 200 volt, 60 cy., Allis AN., speed BELTED GENERATORS , 50 Oe volt D. C., C. & C. Elec., speed 75 ee 250 volt D. C., C. & C. Elec., speed 0. ; 150 ghee, 250 volt D. C., C. & C. Elec., speed 200 Rw. 250 volt D. C., Gen. Elec., speed 425. MOTOR DRIVEN PUMP No. 5—5 inch Platt Iron Works, 4-stage, Centrif. Fire Pump with motor base brass fitted, formerly used with 125 H. P. motor, 1100 oRe = Ps ‘Vo aCapacitve co07 Ge obs Ms approx. 200 pounds pressure. A PARTIAL LIST. Send us your inquiries for Electrical Equip- ment. We have a large variety in stock and available for prompt shipment. MILLER-OWEN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC., PITTSBURG, PA. “PGH’S ELECTRICAL CLEARING HOUSE” BUY OR SELL B-4 U anyTHING Particularly RAILS, LOCOMOTIVES CRANES, HOISTS—CARS Wire, Phone or Write ZELNICKER IN ST. LOUIS Send For Our September Bargain Bulletin. FOR SALE, SCHOONER. CARRIES 110M. lumber, 165 tons coal. 11 foot draught. Just thoroughly rebuilt, new sails: C. E. Bicknell & Son, Rockland, Me. FOR SALE:—SMALL STEAMER HAS passenger equipment. Suitable for fishing or towing. Is in good condition and very economical to _ operate. Freyensee_ Bros., Sandusky, O. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Two Brown Patent Bridge Tramways Hoisting and conveying apparatus, consisting of a bridge tramway with tracks permitting a movement of 300 ft., distance between movable piers 180 ft., with end cantilevers 92 ft. and 36 ft. EACH BRIDGE HAS IN ITS HOUSE, BROWN PATENT HOISTING ENGINE with the most modern operating mechanism, together with all necessary fittings and con- nections for complete operation, to- gether with SIX BROWN PATENT AUTOMATIC SELFDUMPING COAL TUBS OF 42 CU. FT: capac- ity; two Single rope buckets of 4& cu. ft. capacity; four skips of 2 ton capacity; and. also automatic clam. shell bucket. BOTH OF THESE OUTFITS ARE PRACTICALLY IN A. NEW CONDITION. NEW YORK MACHINERY EXCHANGE, (Incorporated) 50 Church Street, New York. i “TUG BOAT ENGINE” 9 x 18-in. 50 :cb ae: —__—— 2-in; ‘Steam Connectiom 12-in. 4-in. Exhaust. Height 7% ft., length 714 ft. Will sell reasonably. N. Y. State Dredging Corporation, South Boston, Mass. SN ede ca Og) | ee FOR SALE: — LOCOMOTIVE CRANES, McMyler revolving derricks, with clam shells, The Cleveland & Erie Machinery Co., Uni- versity and Scranton Rds., Cleveland, O. FOR SALE:—SEVERAL NEW 7 x 10 and 8 x 10 Cargo winches with gypsies and link reverse. Write for descriptive matter and prints. U. S. Iron Works, Seattle, Wash. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers