A Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.. Bureau of i se ‘saat Co; . American American American American Ship Building oes PUMGEYSOMs OV NC aa sie eis ais Ashton Valve ne aera Pat ne Babcock & «Penton, 35.0 6.0545 Babcock & Wilcox Co., The. Ballin Water Tube Boiler Co. Baltimore Dry Dock & Ship- building Company ee Bernstein Migs Coss. <.60 c. . Blackmer Rotary Pump Co.. Boland & (Cornelius. ii.< 3. 6. Boston & Lockport Block Co. Brauer, ustus: Sr “Sons 3.5. Buffalo Dry Por Company. . Camden Forse Coc. ones iss Carlin. “Anthony, Miri. 333335 Garey Con ePhen Ss ioc cere as Central: Poundry: Co. oes Chase Machine Goisie. cc... Chicago. Ship: Blde;-Co.s 3363 Clothel Company, The........ Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. Commercial Boiler Works. Continental Iron Works, The. Cook, C. Lee, Mfg. Cos Inc. Co- Operative Grain Trimmers. Cory, Chas., & Son; Ine... 2). Ox. oJ; Fillmore, Engrg. & Tube Bending Mach. Works Cutting & Wanngion, ine 5 DakeoPreine Cou. sss ee Davidson & Hudson.......:.. Dayton Pneumatic Tool Co.. Delativnah ij Oi Covey biokes De Laval Steam Turbine Co. Department of Wharves, Docks Re PP OCHHIES oh aenais ts sca Soe ne Detroit River Iron Works.. Detroit Shipbuilding Company Diamond Polish Co........... Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co... Donrielly, William T . Douglas Fir Lumber Co...... Dravo-Doyle Co. Drein, Thos., cer ed & Son Company Durable Wire Rope Coe. i THE MARINE REVIEW Dustin, Kelly, McKeehan & PNIVIVOW Ss usemite gt a sccaigey sree es 82 E Hck Circilator (core. wise. 74 Electro-Dynamic Company.... 98 Farley, Edward P., Co........ 80 Fletcher Paper Co. SA ae a Ce 97 Fletcher, W. & A., Company. 99 Fore River Ship Building Cor- POTAHON See e Lie ee can 76 Fuller, Louis Ne SROs Seer 14 Gatbraithy © eas Sona. ccs LE: General Electric Company.. 35 Gilchrist Albert Ju... 0s eo 82 Goldschmidt Thermit Company 87 Goulder, White & Pearle Es 82 Grandfield, W. J., & Co...... 79 Griscom- Russell Co: Peneletie os 32 Hall,’ Geo., Coal & Transpor- tation SOROS OEM TANG cepa 79 Fannie, MooA 8 Couwiswae.s, 100 Hartman- Greiling Contr stares 26 Bann, as | & Leake. 82 Hoffman, Oe (COs, Inc.. 89 Holding, ee Duncan & . Peele ai ce es tee care doane 82 Home ~Rupber’ Cou, asa 79 Himtehinson Corre nccvu ee ac 80 Independent Pneumatic Tool Company oni nett ncai: Seee Ces 2 International Life Suit Co., The 77 International Mercantile Ma- SIMS Or see ree hike ee 95 Isherwood, JW s Fodewlaee cars 9 Jewell Water Improvement Con 399 Johuston: Brothers ss). can ee 16 Kahnweiler’s, David, Sons.... 77 Kidd, Joseph, & Son Kingsford Fdy. & Mck, Wks.. 81 Kremer, C. E Lake Erie pease: & Mill Co. 16 anim,* Ag? Lane, C. M., Life Boat Co. Linde Air Products Go; The.. NAVY STANDARD BINNACLE The Electric Rudder or RITCHIE! Compasses, Binnacles, and NAUTICAL Instruments SOLD IN ALL PARTS Helm Angle Indicator Placed in pilot house or on bridge in front of quartermaster, allows him to observe the posi- OF THE WORLD BROOKLINE - MASS. Magnets for Adjusting Purposes. E.S. RITCHIE ¢& SONS tion of the rudder the same as he does the com- pass. lighting plan. Can be installed on vessels with or without ELECTRO-DYNAMIC COMPANY Bayonne, New Jersey, U.S. A. Locomotive er ree neater Coe 74 Lorain Coal & Dock Co...... 100 Eunkenheimer Coe ec ei cick 29 M MacKinnon Boiler & Mch. Co. 102 Melouthy Sydney (Gis vec cue 89 McNab Company, The....... 95 Manitowoc iyi isle Go. 10 Mark = Mitsu Coc ese Wns case x 29 Martell Packings Co.....3.... 79 Mechanical Rubber: Co....... 33 Michigan Dredge Company.. 93 Milton Mf. Co;.The. 3.3.0: 22 Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..... 20 Moore & Scott Iron Works.. 14 Morse, Andrew J., & Son,Inc. 78 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co. 98 Murphy Varnish Company.... 24 N New London Ship & Engine : SOON Ree eC aietoue eine eee b New York Engineering Co. 73 Nicholson Ship a Colgan 85 Sse Mae ters me ace the Front cover Oldman Boiler Works, The... 74 Osborn & ogee sis autres ReGEGAG 80 Page CR JOnes unkc eis cos oes a «« 80 Penberthy. Injector -Co. 2.3.2; 102 Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Co. 10 Philadelphia Department. of Wharves, Docks and Ferries, ARDS ieGis SAGieironceoes oa Seo Pickands, Mather & Co....... 100 Pioneer Boiler Works........ 87 Pneumercator. Co, Ine......, 79 Power, COnse ae aise 83 R " RecWie Vis Co aes aiiw ey 32% Reid, John & Company....... 84 Richardson, We Ce Co are: 80 Ritchiewh. Sace Sons: o.75 6 98 Rivet Cutting GuneCor es. 26 Robeson Preservo Products Co. 25 Rocky River Dry Dock Co... 16 Roelker, H. B Saari-Tully Lumber Co....... Safety Car Heating & Light- ing Co. Ce ee er S.S. KRISTIANIAFJORD. 16,000 tons. November. 1917 Schrader’s, A., Sons, Inc..... 78 Schutte & Koerting Co... 6. 33 Scranton Foundry & Engine Works)? Inc, 030 pcs veges a8 17 Scully Steel Oo Tron Corie is 76 Seattle Construction & Dry Dock’ "Company + cc's eteckes oe 20 Sheriffs Manufacturing Co. 93 Siseers’ -&; Sigeerss oes. ee 76 Simith “Brose ees cates ss 84 Southern Pine Sales Corp.... 31 Spencer 1@ SOCNCCE ss inci ovate 82 Stetson Ross Machine Works. 16 Stimpson, Edwin B., Co...... 81 Stover. & Stover. tates a's 82 Stratford, Geo., Oakum Go... 91 Sullivan & Forbes, Inc.) .<.%.. 30 Stirs ee eae Gear eerie eens 101 Sun Shipbuilding Co......... 6 Superior Iron Works Company 91 Superior Ship Building Co.... 10 T Thomas Spacing Machine Co. 102 Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. 18 Aare Shipbuilding Company, ‘ Re ihe ec eyis care cian Ghetheies Topping gee Aa ART Reon Trout, <2 COMPANY. sein cn 93 Tusket Shintuidine Coxe btd. ie U U. S. Metallic Packing Co.... 79 Universal Safety Mattress Co., PGE Rae eie's Wie coatatate wares 78 V Vance & Joys es Sette Cu eee 80 Wager. Robert sb 05. 0. aterean 98 Walker, Thomas, & Son, Ltd. — Ward, Charles, Engineering WIGHIES Gc Scania ante eattrae 75 Wardwell Mfg. Co., The...... 83 Warren Cady, Ladd & Hill... ‘82 Waterbury Company ........ 34 Welin Marine Equipment Co. 78 We hae botee Electric & Mfg. Peas dened mee Wanita enon ene 21 Whine Foundry Equipment PPAR Cra SNe ye Cee 27 Whitlock CordasexncCo.or ee 34 Williams, William E......... 19 Winslow Marine Ry. & Ship- building =:Co:.. Phew. case 8 Woodworkers Tool Works. 30 Fully equipped, 32 sets. WAGER PATENT IMPROVED FURNACE BRIDGE WALL e in marine and stationary boilers— endorsed by steamship, freight and Passenger steamer companies, pri- vate yacht owners, railroads and ECONOMICAL SIMPLE stationary plants. IN DESIGN DEPENDABLE . Literature mailed on request. |= is a preferred and valuable featur ROBERT H. WAGER, Singer Bldg... NEW YORK THE MULHOLLAND HATCH-FASTENER COMPANY Main 272 Manufacturers of the Security Hatch Fasteners. Lake OVER 225,000 SETS NOW IN Marion Building, Cleveland, Ohio Cent. 1016 Mulholland Simplex and For Ocean and Trade. USE ON THE GREAT LAKES Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers Se ee ae ae