16 THE MARINE REVIEW November, 1917 MODERN MARINE BOILERS d STEEL SHIP BUILDING A ale TUGS, PASSENGER STEAMERS = fT re... and SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION WRITE JOHNSTON BROTHERS FERRYSBURG, MICHIGAN This photograph was taken to illus- trate the combined beveling, reverse beveling and curv- ing possibilities of our Beveling Side Head. Before _ photo- graphing this tim- ber, a cut was made for a few feet, the bevel starting at eleven degrees to the left. The angle continu- ally changed until it finally cut a bevel eleven de- grees to the right, --as shown in this illustration. Our Methods will save you excessive Dry Dock Charges! We can handle anything that floats up to a 200- foot length, 40-foot beam, 12-foot draft. Our 500 feet of MARINE RAILWAY and acreage of property give us an immense advan- tage over other dry docks. We can haul out craft, and by shifting them around for conven- ience, can work on an almost unlimited number. x Patented July 12, 1917. Patents applied for in Canada SHIP BUILDERS PLANING, BEVELING and EDGING MACHINE It is impossible for you to reach full capacity or efficiency without this machine. : This machine SAVES FROM $60 to $100 A DAY IN SHIP CARPENTER WAGES, BESIDES DOING THE WORK ACCURATELY. It’s a Big Machine for Big Jobs! STETSON MACHINE WORKS SUCCESSORS TO STETSON-ROSS MACHINE WORKS SEATTLE, U.S. A. We specialize in the repairing of Hulls, Boilers and _ Engines. All work thoroughly guaranteed. Captain N. Simonson, Pres. T. R. Zickes, Mgr. The Rocky River Dry Dock Co. ROCKY RIVER, OHIO We specialize in the Rebuilding and Repairing of | | LAUNCHES SCOWS, TUGS DREDGES Our Marine Ways and Saw Mill enable us to give you exceptional service in rebuild- ing and heavy repairing of all kinds. LET US DO IT THE LAKE ERIE DRYDOCK AND MILL CO. Sandusky, Ohio The R, B. HAYES Undergoing a Comolete Overhauling Please mention THE Martine Review when writing to Advertisers Wile tats ree oo