ee THE MARINE REVIEW November, 1917. The Buffalo Dry Dock Coban. BUFFALO, N. Y. With our excellent equipment we are enabled to do all kinds of ship repairs at reasonable cost to the owners, whose patronage is solicited with the guarantee of satisfaction in all particulars. Office Telephone, Bell, 4055 Seneca; Federal, 21416 un nneu.nezeaenesevoreeovcaveoeucneeuutanenenneoseeneaenaeeeuumaee E = FOR 2 =| Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Work || = Ez We Invite Veer Inquiries = = and Specifications a = The Milton Manutacturing Company = = MILTON, PENNSYLVANIA = a0 Please mention THE Martine REvIEW when writing to Advertisers 4 9 e 3 “9 RS ¥ ‘a 4 & a Ah