24 , THE MARINE REVIEW November, 1917 Our Dry Docks from any but good fighting stock? Tpatiedealinacasean ol gan ece Two Docks, coupled with ilities, cut d Complete Shop Fac iti es, C Thorou ohbre repair periods to a minimum. : Upper Dock Lower Dock Varnish i Length on Keel Blocks, feet - : 600 437 4 idth o oor, fee - - 5 i 4 U eerie Wom ex oe rah Isn’t it marvelous that anything so impalpably thin, so filmlike asa coat ff of varnish can be given endurance i i enough to put up a winning fight ff i against the hard life of the sea? Is h it reasonable to expect such work | i i Murphy Transparent ey Fa kodhoakaik Bok Spar Varnish “the varnish that lasts longest’ Seat iaoncien sae Gat int tet bet ao tot pat per cet ton -fat bat cont whew Paha li ae a aed eh fot cottel col el iel seis te ewe Seta rel has been doing this work to the sat- isfaction of: ship owners for more than halt a century. [ts success is not due to chance but to a determi- nation on the part of its makers to I stop at nothing that will add to its ye i ny f % a i A i i H H i A t H A H A Ky 2) Q 0 NW bd i H iH 8) i , i} A H H 8) i i $ A is 2! t} S) ie § 2 i t} $ Hl t s) in H G Q ty £ 8 2) a x 8 if $ a Ha 0 2 ) | q 4) f Ei i is 4 t} g H g H f} A ¥, 5) | | 2 Q 2) f is is i fi U y if ey +4 toughness, elasticity and endurance. Such varnish is a satisfaction to make and to use. Send for our book “Beautiful A Complete Shipbuilding Plant Boats and How to Care for Them.” i Our building slips take vessels up to 350 feet long, H 50 feet beam and 32 feet deep. Our yard is specially H laid out for rapid construction. We also have ana Bae H building slips for small craft. Murphy Varnish Company H Dr iindre Dry Docks and Franklin Murphy, jr., President i ‘Shipbuilding Company Newark New Jersey Chicago Illinois 4 i 9 Dougall Varnish Company, Ltd., Montreal, Canadian Associate i BALTIMORE, MD. Ae Cable Address—Baltodocks, U. S. A. i HOLDEN A. EVANS CLEMENT C.SMITH J. M. WILLIS GEORGE ALLISON EDWIN W. POE : i y ont * Ges i Mgr. Vice-President 2nd Vice-President Treasurer Secretary a led ys ee SET ete de a i ey vt Senn et) Se Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers