November, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 2/ PLATES W hen She’s laking theWater With La Belle Plates in her you know that she has the best the steel industry can produce— our complete control of every manufacturing facility makes them so. With our ownership and operation of ore and coal mines, coke ovens, furnaces and mills nothing is left to chance. Us Belle Iron Works **From Mine to Market’’ General Offices: Steubenville, Ohio - Plants at Steubenville, O., and Wheeling, W. Va. The Whiting Type “R” Crane Trolley shown below was furnished the Seaboard Air Line Ry. for their Portsmouth, Va. shops for handling locomotives, two 80-ton trolleys operating on an 86 ft. span bridge. The type’ “K “is essentially a “Safety First’ trolley— it has been approved by steel mill engineers as meeting all safety requirements. The entire train of gears is enclosed and operates in oil bath; with exception of drum shaft and axles no shafts extend across the trolley; all shafts in gear trains are on same line. Trolley ol and separator made cast steel if desired. Simple, rigid construction throughout. Standard sizes from | to 100 tons capacity. Write for Catalog 130 Complete Foundry Equipments CRANES OF ALL TYPES WHITING FOUNDRY EQUIPMENTCO HARVEY-ILL.U.5. A. CHICAGO SUBURB. Please mention THE MarInE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers