THE MARINE REVIEW Why Not Obey Your | Uncle Sam’s Orders? install an Efficient PURE WATER SYSTEM Here is a system that can be in- stalled in your vessel without the expense of extra pumping or cooling. THE ULTRA VIOLET RAY SYSTEM is electrically operated. It sterilizes and filters without changing the taste, odor, color, mineral or gaseous content of the water. No heat or chemicals are required. The Ultra Violet Ray Pure Water System complies fully with the latest U. S. Government requirements. Bacteriological results guaranteed. Write at once for full particulars THE R. U. V. COMPANY November, 1917 Installation of STERILIZER and FILTER on 8S. S. ALABAMA 50 BROAD STREET NEW YORK To comply with the new U. S. Law requiring all ves- sels on the Great Lakes to carry equipment for produc- ing pure drinking water, a standardized type of REILLY EVAPORATING PLANT has been developed. Hundreds of these plants are now in service. ‘The outfit consists of a Reilly Evapo- rator and a Reilly Distiller—equipped with seamless drawn copper coils fitted with patented: screwed union joints—an Aerating Filter, Feeder, Trap, etc. The cost of operation is low. Occupies very little space and can be set up in any location on board ship. Capacities from 10 gals. per hour upwards. WRITE FOR PRICES 2121 West Street Building - THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL CO. NEW YORK Chicago Office: 835-A MONADNOCK BUILDING Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers