- THE MARINE REVIEW November, 1917 GOLD MEDAL Highest Award MarineDieselEngines Panama-Pacific cal la ca Exposition 120 H.P., Four Cycle Nelseco Diesel—Heavy Duty Reversing Gear Type | 090,000 H. P. NELSECO DIESEL ENGINES In Service in American and Foreign Vessels 50,000 H. P. Now Building Sizes: 120, 180, 240, 360, 480 to 3000 H. P. NEW LONDON SHIP & ENGINE CO., Groton, Conn., U. 5. A. The World’s Greatest AIR and DRILLS ELECTRIC REAMING TAPPING MACHINES WOODBORING and GRINDING RIVETING PN EUMATIC CHIPPING riurseabnc «= HAMMERS 1 ARE RAPIDLY BECOMING THE STANDARD TOOLS FOR SHIPYARDS Shipped on Ask For Trial Circular INDEPENDENT PNEUMATIC - TOOL COMPANY Chicago New York Pittsburgh Detroit San Francisco Birmingham Montreal e and finishing or chipping ha ing up patch bolts on propeller eye. Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to*Advertisers