November, 1917 Learn all about the SPECIAL F EATURES MARTELL PACKINGS Before Specifying or Placing Orders WRITE FOR CATALOG THE MARTELL PACKINGS CO., Elyria, 0., U.S. A. GET THE BEST W. S. HAZLETT FORD & GEIRRINE Eastern Representative Pacific Coast Agents r . Marine Trade 2543 Jasper St. 720-722 Merchants Exchange Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. San Francisco, Calif. U. S. Metallic Packing .FOR... Marine Engine Piston Rods and Valve Stems : The U. S. Metallic Packing Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Write for Catalog All Commercial Codes Used Cable Address “‘GRANDFIELD”’ 308 Chestnut Street Put This Down If FUEL, COAL is JOHN J. TURNEY W. J. GRANDFIELD & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS STEAMSHIP AGENTS Export Agents for American Manufacturers. MARINE SURVEYORS THE MARINE REVIEW 79 N. B. O. The Original Black Sheet Packing The original Black Sheet and the most effective packing of the kind. Why? It is a scientific and at the same time a secret formula which our many competitors have endeavored to dis- cover by having N.B.O. analyzed and other- wise, but without success, with the result that N.B.O. is and always has been the absolute master of the field. Other N. B. O. Products N.B.O. Pump Valves made soft, medium and hard, for all high duty services. N. B. O. Steam Hose—With a tube of genuine N. B. O. stock that positively cannot harden up under any steam pressure. In use on the leading railroads of the country and in many other places where other makes.of Steam Hose have been tried and where none but the best will be considered. N. B. O. Tubular Gaskets—An article that is guaranteed to give you very superior service. N. B. O. Rings and Spiral—For refrigeration service. By many experiments and tests it has been proven that N. B. O. is the best ammonia resisting stock made. N. B. O. ‘Keep-it-tite’”” Washers—For the stem of globe valves. N. B. O. Flat Gaskets and Rings—As is the case with sheet packing, these have demonstrated their fitness every- ‘where. Manufactured Exclusively By HOME RUBBER COMPANY TRENTON, NEW JERSEY TELEPHONES Lombard 4521 Main 5020 £¢ 4522 ers OL ne 4523 sts "5022 Custom House, Marine and Insurance Brokers. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Philadelphia; Pa. | Cook’s Metallic Packing especially adapted for marine service, highest needed on the St. Lawrence River & efficiency guaranteed; extensively used by many prominent Steamship Lines and Ship ALL’S COAL . Builders. ALL’S SERVICE ALL’S PRICE BEATS ’EM ALL MONTREAL, P. Q. OGDENSBURG, N. Y. For full particulars, address, C. Lee Cook Mfg. Co., Inc. Louisville, Ky., U. S. A. THE CHASE MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS Mooring Machines, Deck Winches, Steam Capstans, Etc., Etc. Cleveland, Ohio TANK GAUGES DRAFT INDICATORS ELECTRIC WHISTLE OPERATORS PNEUMERCATOR COMPANY, Inc. 118 Liberty Street, New York Send for Catalogue Address 2313 Elm St. N. W. Please mention THE Martine Review when writing to Advertisers