November, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 93 Remember it stands for the noted Blackmer Rotary Pump, which has stood the test and Ge’ tf, oe found to be efficient, reliable and durable. One es re Ne , MARINE that has an automatic take-up for wear feature. a a ee ia S E RV IC E Does not require priming. ‘ : Goins aa Save time and labor by plac- Guaranteed against : : ea ‘a : 4 complet - 66 pressures. ‘whe formation “sent Ing a Michigan Hoist aboard! upon request. All parts inter- i Used for hoisting anchor, heavy changeable so that & a py deck work and all kinds of they can_ be ; ge replaced . without stationary hoisting. experienced help. Made in three sizes. Pumps with capac- ities from 5 to 500 be . Write for details gallons per minute. Blackmer Rotary Pump Co. MICHIGAN DREDGE CO. Petoskey, Mich. BAY CITY, MICH. Durable: Wire Rope Co. 93-95 Pearl St., Boston, Mass. Durable Wire Rope will Not Rust or Rot and is not affected by Salt Water or Climatic Conditions FOR Mooring Lines Towing Hawsers Stevedoring Tiller Ropes Ship Rigging Dredging Boat Falls Yacht Rigging Hoisting Coal Pockets Pile Driving Fasts BRANCH OFFICES 165 W. Lake St., Chicago, Iil. 701 St. Clair Ave. N. E., Cleveland, O. NEW YORK AGENTS: HEGEMAN & WARD, 43 SOUTH STREET ESTABLISHED, 1854. ee) H . G. Trout Company SHERIFFS King Iron Works MANUFACTURING CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. PROPELLER | Manufacturers of High Grade WHE - L S| | PROPELLER WHEELS sci Marine Engines she Ha ce Brass and Iron Casting to fit any hub. Large variety of Grate Bars in stock \ MILWAUKEE, WIS. Write for particulars and testimonials. Please mention THE MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers