8 : THE..MARINE. REVIEW IRON ty, En ay S> t/) runs A... “ o €yy% Vu saw’ ww BERvitte. © The uniformly high quality of La Belle plates has become universally recognized by car, ship, automobile and tank man- ufacturers. La Belle Plate is made in any thickness up to. one inch, for every purpose to which a steel plate of this kind can be adapted. To assure the utmost in dependability insist on the plate with the fleur de lis trade mark. La Belle Iron Works “‘From Mine to Market’’ General Offices—Steubenville, Ohio Plants—Steubenville, O. and Wheeling, W. Va. aay as — BL My) ROM Hp —, (A & Ji >= AN WANN Me" ary l y i Wp. AN. a os wae ty, Mss)". rm, . RS Y//-7* ~ Zz, 7, j= ’ ‘ \\ ia Z LU 4 [= ey) we aw TZ We Zi Sei sa Dy LY fos I WAVALATANE ake i\ (IA ANY) y Nd SS SSN ih A AV) | / | g SSI Lal \ = on VK i WANNA ) GE, “| ——Z> > aul Seg i December, 1917 ARc( Res. in. U.S. Pat. OF. Rubber Goods Marine Service Years of experience in furnishing Mechanical Rubber Goods for Marine Service have enabled us to build up and put out a line of Packings, Pump Valves, Hose, etc., which are especially constructed for, and adapted to, that class of work and which are absolutely without an equal. You are not experimenting when you buy the Marco Line, but you are pur- chasing proven service and satisfac- tion. Insist on Marco goods for your fit up Mr. Chief Engineer, and experi- ence the pleasure of a season without packing or valve troubles. The Mechanical Rubber Co. CLEVELAND ~ OHIO Our Branches in the Principal Lake Ports: UNITED STATES RUBBER CO. 379 Washington St. - Buffalo, New York THE OHIO: RUBBER CO. 725 St. Clair Ave. N. W. - Cleveland, O. THE OHIO RUBBER CO. 982 Jefferson Ave. East - Detroit, Mich. UNITED STATES RUBBER CO. 218 W. Madison St. ~ Chicago, Il. : UNITED STATES RUBBER CO. 41 Oneida St. ~ Milwaukee, Wis. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers