December, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 17 -Winter-Weather Protection for Boats and Equipment Laying up time is at hand. Thousands upon thousands of canvas covers will be put into use. But the value of the service they render will be in direct proportion to their ability to repel moisture. With the present canvas shortage, and with prices at their present high level, there will be a wide-spread endeavor to get at least another season’s use from old canvas covers. And the use of Preservo will make this possible. You can take old canvas covers, that are not too badly worn, treat them with Preservo and make them absolutely waterproof —and for protective purposes exactly as good as new canvas. Where new, light-weight, close-weave canvas is used it can be treated with Preservo and made to give as good, or even better service than heavy untreated canvas. Preservo is a chemical compound with a natural affinity for vegetable fibre. It is easily applied to canvas with a wide paint brush or white-wash brush. It impregnates the fibres—seals up the pores, and makes the canvas absolutely watertight. In addition, Preservo also leaves the canvas soft and pliable—it preserves the fabric and greatly increases its wearing qualities. : There is a record of I7 years of successful service back of Preservo—it is known as the standard waterproofing in use on the waterways of America. When you use or-specify Preservo you are getting a product of known and proven quality. Go to practically any ship chandler—or canvas dealer, and you can get complete details about liquid Preservo, or about Preservoed canvas. For special literature address our nearest office. Robeson Preservo Products Co. PORT HURON, MICH. Eastern Branch: Canadian Branch: 357 Western Ave., Boston, Mass. Sarnia, Ont. The Hunter-Johnson Co., 311 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Distributors for Pacific Coast Waterproofs. and Preserves Canvas Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers