December, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 79 SUUTTUNNNAUUUUUUANNNQUUIOUUNNONQUUUUOONNGQQQOUUOOOOSOQQQQUUOONOOOOQQQUUUOVNNONOSQQUUUONROOSQQQUUUUUOOEEONGGQQQUUUCOUUUOONRNEESOQGQUUUOORENOEOQQQUUUUUOONONEOU LL Morison Suspension Boiler Furnaces For Land and Marine Boilers Uniform Thickness, Easily Cleaned, Unexcelled for Strength. Also FOX CORRUGATED FURNACES Manufactured by THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS West and Calyer Sts.,. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 1859 Greenpoint Ferry from East 23rd Street, New York | INCORPORATED 1887 UU ail The Anderson Model “D” Steam Trap makes your steam using apparatus more efficient by delivering live hot steam to it It also permits you to obtain the highest efficiency from each square foot of heating surface in your plant, by removing the condensa- tion of your steam as fast as it accumulates. It operates continually and automatically at pressures varying from 250 pounds, to gravity. All parts of the Model “1D” Steam Trap are accurately machined to solid gauges and can be replaced at any time, as every part is made ‘interchangeable. WRITE FOR CATALOG are also manufacturers of. Steam We The V. D. Anderson Company, Cleveland, Ohio 43,0) Soin Wise. Sound Marine Engines, Boilers and Machinery of All Kinds Contractors for Vessels Complete TURBINE STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD W.& A. FLETCHER COMPANY, Hoboken, N. J. Please mention THE MARINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers