90 THE MARINE REVIEW December, 1917 NAVAL ARCHITECTS > ENGINEERS - To Vessel Owners and Operators: You’ll find here the announcements of _ several Naval Architects and Engineers who are reliable, waiting to be of service to you. Ww. I. BABCOCK H. PENTON BABCOCK & PENTON ENGINEERS ‘AND NAVAL ARCHITECTS A. H. LAMM Consulting and Constructing Engineer Reports, Design and Equipment of Docks for bulk and CLEVELAND NEW YORK general Cargo; Shipyards and industrial developments. Penton Bldg., 1136 Chestnut Av. 120 Broadway Henry Building Portland, Oregon WILLIAM T. DONNELLY Designer of Floating Dry Docks, Steel and Wood. PLANS ON HAND FOR DOCKS FROM 2,000 TO 20,000 TONS Electricity applied to Marine Transportation Harbor Improvements 17 BATTERY PLACE Int NEW YORK Consulting Engineer and Naval Architect 17 Battery Place NEW YORK Offices: London Glasgow Montreal JOHN REID & COMPANY NAVAL ARCHITECTS Robert H. Kidd, Manager Telephone No. 1 Joseph Kidd & Son MARINE ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS Ship and Engine Damage and Other Surveys Carefully Attended To HARRY G. SMITH EUGENE L. SMITH SMITH BROS. Naval Architects and Marine Surveyors 2 nite 535 Marine Bank Bldg. BUFFALO, N. Y. 406 Palladio Building DULUTH, MINN. AS THIS ISSUE of The Marine Review encircles the Globe, shipbuilders, ship owners, naval architects and engineers are buying and planning to buy Millions and Millions of dollars worth of material, equipment and supplies. An advertisement directed to the attention of these men is something more to them than a mere adver- tisement. It is an assistant that helps them in their buying more than anything else. They read and re-read advertisements today because advertisements supply them with important facts and figures they want and need. As a paper devoted to the interests of marine men in executive control The Marine Review can carry your advertisement direct to the attention of the men who will spend these millions for equipment, material and supplies. The Electric Rudder or Helm Angle Indicator Placed in pilot house or on bridge in front of quartermaster, allows him to observe the posi- tion of the rudder the same as he does the com- ass. Can be installed on vessels with or without ighting plan. ELECTRO-DYNAMIC COMPANY Bayonne, New Jersey, U.S. A. PATENT TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS Gey, Thirty years’ active practice. Experienced, personal, con- sclentious service. All business strictly ‘confidential. SIGGERS & SIGGERS PATENT LAWYERS Suite 11, National Union Ins. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Please mention THe Marine ReEvIEw when writing to Advertisers