December, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW at BERNSTEIN METAL BERTHS as offer a complete, practical and efficient line. erth to successfully meet every condition on board ship. Absolute Safety Highest | Efficiency Least Bulk and Weight \ i j | This equipment answers all possible requirements. KROESCHELL CARBONIC ANHYDRIDE REFRIGERAT-. ING EQUIPMENT is in use on the following Lake Vessels: North American; South American; Northland; Seeandbee; City of Cleve- land; Detroit III; Tionesta; Juniata; Octorara; Harvester; Noronic; Rochester; Hamonic; Toronto; Arthur Orr; Minnesota; J. H.C. Hagarty; Geronia; Alabama; Nevada and others. May we send you our literature ? KROESCHELL BROS. ICE MACHINE CO. New York City CHICAGO Detroit, Mich. AMERICAN LINE The Only Trans-Atlantic Passenger Steamers Under the American Flag FAST EXPRESS SERVICE NEW YORK LIVERPOOL Bernstein No. 5553 Third Class Steerage and Crew Berths Write for catalog No. 17 descriptive of Bernstein Berths, Ship Beds, Bedding and Metal Furniture y s 3rd ane Allegheny Department R = venue P IANUSACTURING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa Are Known Throughout the World for Their Accuracy and Durability ‘St. Louis”’ **St. Paul”’ ‘‘New York’’ ‘‘Philadelphia”’ “‘Finland’’ | ‘‘Kroonland’’ Walker’s Patent **Cherub’”’ II Ship-Log Unsolicited Testimonial “T have much pleasure in stating that your ‘Cherub Log has been in constant service for a period of over four years, and has given no trouble what- ever. It has during that period registered some 190,000 miles and I have no doubt this is the finest Log in the market at the present time.” 9 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Pier 62, North River, Foot of West 23rd St., New York . : Northwest Corner 11th and 1319 Walnut St., Philadelphia Locust Sta..6t: bouts India Bldg., 84 State St., Boston 121 South Third St., Minneapolis 1306 F St., N. W., Washington 319 Geary St., San Francisco 619 Second Ave., Seattle 219 St. Charles St., New Orleans 41 King St. Raat Tocades 14 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 118 Notre Dame St., Montreal Thomas Walker & Son, Ltd. Makers to the British and Many Other Navies 58 Oxford St. Birmingham, Eng. SEALANTS AS LS ELSE OE ALTE AE NLT LTTE LT TTT TEE BE NT EE TEP: iit Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers