92 THE MARINE REVIEW December, 1917 SUA ihn Ee = = E = A classified- -by-products list of advertisers for the convenience of readers If you dot’t find what you = want, write us and we will'tell you where to get it. @ Index to advertisements will’ give = you page number of any advertiser and by referring to advertisement | you can gét full particulars about products. = q mt sl HN Cn Cee eee ee. ACETYLENE IN CYLINDERS. Linde Air Products Co.,, New York City. AIR TOOLS. Dayton Pneumatic Tool Co., Dayton, O. Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Cnieago: Til. ANCHORS. Galbraith, C. C., & Son, New York, N. Y. Schaper Construction & Materials Co., New York City. Thatcher, Geo. H., Co., Albany, N. Y. Topping Brothers, "New York City. ARCHITECTS (Naval.) Babcock & hig ig Cleveland, O..- Donnelly, Wm. T., New York, N. Y. ‘Kidd, Joseph, & Son, Duluth, ‘Minn. Lamm, ORG os Portland, Ore. Reid, John, & Co., New York, N. Y. Smith Bros., Buffalo, N.Y. ARC WELDING. Electric Welding Co., New York, N. Y. ARCHITECTS (Shipyard). Chase, Frank D., Chicago, Ill. ARMOR (Submarine.) Morse, A. J., & ote Boston, Mass. Schraeder’s Son, A , Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y. ATTORNEYS AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. Davidson & Hudson, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Gilchrist, Albert J., Cleveland, O. Goulder, White & Aa Cleveland, O; Hartshorne, Insley & Leake, Jersey City; N.J. Holding, Masten, Duncan & Leckie, Cleveland. Hoyt, Dustin, Kelley, McKeehan & Andrews, Cleveland, O. Kremer, C. E., Chicago, Ill. Spencer & Spencer, Duluth, Mich. Stover & Stover, Milwaukee, Wis. Warren, Cady, Ladd & Hill, Detroit, Mich. BAND SAWS (Adjustable Bevel.) Power, L., Co., Philadelphia, Pa. BARS (Iron and Steel.) Milton Mfg. Co., Milton, Pa. BEACONS (Gas.) Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., The, New York, N. Y. BEDDING. Bernstein Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. BEDSTEADS. Bernstein Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cory, Chas., & Sons, New York, N. Y. BELAY POSTS (Cast Iron.) Central Foundry Co., New York City. BELLS (Electrical and Mechanical.) Cory, Chas., & Son, New York, N. Y. BELTING (Conveyor and Transmis- sion.) Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, O. BERTHS, BUNKS AND BEDS (Metal.) Bernstein Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. BIFFS AND DOUBLE BIFFS. Thatcher, Geo. H., Co., Albany, N. Y. BINNACLES. Ritchie, E. S., & Sons, Brookline, Mass. BLOCKS. Boston & Lockport Block Co., East Boston. BLOWERS (Flue.) American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, O. Waren lick, er Cos ~BOILER CLEANING DEVICES. Detroit River Iron Works, Detroit, Mich. BOILER COVERING (Asbestos in Panels.) . Carey Co., The, Cleveland, O. BOILER NOZZLES (Welded Steel.) Continental Iron Works, The, Brooklyn, N. Y. BOILER PLATES. La Belle Iron Works, Steubenville, O.. BOILERS (Marine.) Almy Water Tube Boiler Co., Providence, R. I: American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, O. Babcock & Wilcox Co., New York, UNecy, Ballin Water Tube Boiler Co., Portland, Ore. Baltimore Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Go:, Baltimore, Md. Chicago Ship Bldg. Co., So. Chicago, Ill. Collingwood Ship Bldg. Co., Ltd., Collingwood, Ont. Commercial poe Works, The, Seattle, Wash. Delany, P., & Co., Newburgh, NOY. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit, Mich. Fletcher, W. & A. Co., Hoboken, N. J. Hartman-Greiling Co., Green Bay, Wis. Johnston Bros., Ferrysburg, Mich. Kingsford Fdy. & Mch. Wks., Oswego, ‘NY. Lake Erie Boiler Works, Buffalo, N. Y. MacKinnon Boiler & Machine Cox, Bay City, Mich. Manitowoc Ship Building Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co., Milwaukee, Wis. New York Engineering Co., New York City. Oldman Boiler Works, The, Buffalo, N. Y. Pennsylvania Ship Building Co., Philadelphia. Pioneer Boiler Works, Port Huron, Mich. . Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Co., Seattle. Sun Shipbuilding Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Superior Ship Bldg. ep Superior, Wis. Toledo Ship Building Co., Toledo, O. Ward, Chas., Engrg. Wks., Charleston, W. Va. Winslow Marine Railway & Shipbuilding Co., Winslow, Wash. BOILERS (Water Tube.) Almy Water Tube Boiler, Providence, R. I. Ballin Water Tube Boiler Co., Portland, Ore. New York Engineering Co., New York ‘City. Ward, Chas., Engrg. Wks., Charleston, ‘W. Va. BOILER ROOM FITTINGS. Crane Co., The, Chicago, IIl. BOILER STEAM AND WATER DRUMS (Welded.) Continental Iron Wks., The, Brooklyn, N. Y. BOLTS (Drift-Deck-Machine.) Hoffman, R. C., Co., Inc., Baltimore, Md. BOLTS AND NUTS. New York, N. Y. ‘Milton Mfg. ce. Milton, Ra. Schaper Construction & Materials Co., New York City. New York City. BOLT ROPE (Manila.) Whitlock Cordage Co., New York, N. Y. BOOKS. Penton’s Book News, Cleveland, O. BRASS GOODS AND SPECIAL- TIES. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit, Mich. Lunkenheimer Co., The, Cincinnati, O. Penberthy Injector Co., Detroit, Mich. Williams, Wm. E., New York, 'N. Y. BRAZING OUTFITS. Linde Air Products Co., New York City. Topping Brothers, Whitlock Cordage (Byer: BROKERS (Vessel.) Boland & Cornelius, Buffalo, NES Chicago Steamboat "Excharige, Chicago, Ill. Farley, Edward P., Co., Chicago, III. Richardson, W. C., & Co., Cleveland, O. BROKERS veda eis Marine and Insurance.) Grandfield, W. J., & Co., poy: Pa, BUOYS. Kahnweiler’s, David, Sons, New York City. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., The, New York, N. Y. Williams, Wm. E., New York, N. Y. BURNERS (Acetylene.) Linde Air Products Co., New York City. CABLES. Durable Wire Rope Co., Boston, Mass. Waterbury Co., New York, N. Y. New MOD K UN des Williams, Wm. E., New York Ney. CALKING TOOLS. Topping Brothers, New York City. CAM SHAFTS. Camden Forge Co., Camden, N. J. CANVAS ROOFINGS. Robeson-Preservo Products Co., Port Piven. Mich. CAPSTANS. Chase Machine Co., Cleveland, ae Dake Engine Co., Grand Haven, Mich. CAPSTANS (Cast Iron.) Central Foundry Co., New York City. CASTINGS. Collingwood Ship Bldg. Co., Collingwood, Ont. Crane Co., The, Chicago, Ill. Scranton Foundry & Engine Wks., New York. Thatcher, Geo, H., Co., Albany, N. Y. CAULKING COTTON. Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co., Jersey City, N. J. CAULKING HAMMERS (Pneu-_ matic.) Dayton Pneumatic Tool Co., Dayton, O. Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Chicago, Ill. CHAINS. Larkin, J: K., & Co., New York, N. Y. CHIPPING HAMMERS (Pneumatic.) Dayton Pneumatic Tool Co., Dayton, O. Independent Pneumatic Tool Cor, Chicago, Mil. CHISEL BLANKS (Pneumatic.) Dayton Pneumatic Tool Co., Dayton, O. Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Chicago, Ill. CHOCKS. . Thatcher, Geo. H., Co., Albany, CIRCULATORS (Boiler.) Eckliff Circulator Co., Detroit, Mich. McNab Co., Bridgeport, Conn. CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY. American Bureau of Shipping, New York City. CLEATS. Thatcher, Geo. H., Co., Albany, N. Y. Topping Brothers, "New. York City. CLEATS (Cast Iron.) Central Foundry Co., New York City. CLINCH RINGS, Topping Brothers. New York City. ING Save: See Index to Advertisements for pages containing advertisements of companies listed above