July, 1918 THE MARINE REVIEW 109 ° The Anderson Model “D” Steam Trap makes your steam using apparatus more efficient by delivering live hot steam to it It also permits you to obtain the highest efficiency from each square foot of heating surface in your plant, by removing the condensa- tion of your steam as fast as it accumulates. It operates continually and automatically at pressures varying from 250 pounds, to gravity. All parts of the Model “ID” Steam Trap are accurately machined to solid gauges and can be replaced at any time, as every part is made interchangeable. WRITE FOR CATALOG We are also manufacturers of Steam The Vv. T): Anderson Company, Cleveland, Ohio and Oil Separators; Water Columns; Air Traps; and Oil and Moisture Expellers. vena STEAM ‘TRAP Are YOU Prepared? To get your lifeboats safely away in the quickest possible time!—that is the essential thing in times of peril. Every second is loaded with responsibility—your responsi- bility. The one best way to insure the safest and speediest lowering and release of your lifeboats is to install J-H Windlasses and Releasing Hooks J-H Releasing Hooks and Gears now being installed on lifeboats of the U. S. Emer- gency Fleet and hundreds of others. Write us today for data and prices on these time- saving, life-saving appliances. We can ship promptly. + RELIANCE STEAM TRAPS Correct in Principle and Design Dependable in its Operation Compensating valve for volume of condensation Valves made of the best Steam metal Entire internal mechanism easily and quickly removed Designed for any pressure desired Its efficiency guaranteed. EE I SNES ISR EF EERO LEED LAE EE SSS STREAM Put Eckliff Circulators in your Scotch boilers NOW. They’ll save you a lot of money in op- erating and repair expense. ECKLIFF CIRCULATOR CO. 54 SHELBY ST., DETROIT, MICH. THE ; Reliance Gauge Column Co. ¢° SOLE MANUFACTURERS §932 CARNEGIE AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO. 279 NE TURBINES Marine Engines, Boilers and Machinery of All Kinds PARSON'S MA “4 Contractors for Vessels Complete bp TURBINE STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD : W. & A. FLETCHER COMPANY, Hoboken, N. J. Please mention THE MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers